IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security - CGISecurity

IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security - CGISecurity

IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security - CGISecurity

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Example 10-3 Certificate reply from Thawte-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIICgDCCAemgAwIBAgIDLqKsMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMIGHMQswCQYDVQQGEwJa......XmYOnq8HX/fj0il6NQxW48bp3O8=-----END CERTIFICATE-----This reply should be saved into a plain text file, then imported into the key storethat created the original certificate request.Note: As with the request, ensure that the CA’s reply is copied to a filecorrectly. Ensure there are no additonal characters appended to the end oflines that would otherwise affect the import process.1. Ensure that ikeyman has the relevant key file open and select PersonalCertificates from the Key Database Content drop-down list.2. Click Receive.3. Enter the file name of the reply from the CA.4. The reply will probably be encoded with Base64, so ensure Base64-encodedASCII data is selected from the Data Type drop-down list.5. Click OK.Figure 10-31 Importing a CA replyAssuming that the appropriate certificate request can be found, the personalcertificate will be added to the personal certificate list. Its contents can be viewedby clicking View/Edit.Chapter 10. Administering <strong>WebSphere</strong> security 275

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