IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security - CGISecurity

IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security - CGISecurity

IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security - CGISecurity

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Figure 10-29 Certificate request confirmation messageNote: Consult the documentation from your chosen CA prior to completing thecertificate request fields. For example, VeriSign Server IDs stipulate that theCommand Name (CN) must represent the fully qualified server name.The contents of the certificate request file (servcertreq.arm in this sample) showthat a certificate has been generated.Example 10-2 A certificate request generated by ikeyman-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----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-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----It is clear that the process of creating a certificate request actually creates thecertificate. This means that the public/private keypair exists in the JKS file. Thecertificate request is actually requesting that this certificate be signed by the CA.This certificate request can be viewed in ikeyman by selecting PersonalCertificate Requests from the Key Database Content drop-down box.Chapter 10. Administering <strong>WebSphere</strong> security 273

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