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Download - The Curriculum Project

Download - The Curriculum Project


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7. Who are these people?Match the descriptions of these people with the pictures. <strong>The</strong>n add another sentence about eachperson. Example: <strong>The</strong> young boy with the short hair. Picture 4 .He’s got big ears and he’s wearing a hat.a. <strong>The</strong> girl in her late teens with the big smile. Picture ________b. <strong>The</strong> angry man with the moustache. Picture ________c. <strong>The</strong> fair-haired woman with glasses. Picture ________d. <strong>The</strong> woman with the flower in her hair. Picture ________e. <strong>The</strong> partly bald man with the tie. Picture ________1.2.3. Past tensesFill the gaps with the past continuous or pastsimple form of the verb in brackets.1. I was riding (ride) my bicycle down the hillreally fast when the wheel a.___________(fall) off.2. Thiha nearly b. ____________ (break) hisleg when he c. ____________ (fall) down froma tree.3. U Tin Gyi d. ____________ (walk) home fromthe market when someone e. ____________(take) his bag and ran off.4. Naw Moo f. ____________ (finish) her testwhen her pen g.____________ (run out).5. Moe Kyaw h.____________ (not see) hisfriends because he i.____________ (look) outof the window.10. AdviceRead Min Min’s letter, and write some advice for him. Write 6 sentences.Dear Friend,6 months ago I left my home town and went to university but I’m having a veryhard time. I don’t have any friends here. Everyone’s from other parts of the country andI’m afraid to talk to them. <strong>The</strong> courses are very difficult and I’m afraid I’m going to fail myexams. <strong>The</strong> food’s very expensive here and I don’t have much money. I’m thinking ofdropping out of university and going back home.Love, Min Mina. d.b. e.15 points9. -ed or -ing? Choose the correct form.a. I was very ____________ when my longyi felldown in class. (embarrassing / embarrassed)b. He was ____________ when his girlfriend lefthim. (depressing / depressed)c. I fell asleep during the film, because it was very____________. (boring / bored)d. It was an ____________ football game. <strong>The</strong>final score was 9-8. (exciting / excited)e. Her exam results are ____________.(disappointing / disappointed)f. This explanation is ____________. I can’tunderstand it. (confusing / confused)g. I am very ____________ in psychology.(interesting / interested)h. I read an ____________ book. I couldn’t stoplaughing. (amusing / amused)9 points 8 pointsc. f.Page 3 of 312 points

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