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G. An exciting tripRead about Nang Seng’s trip to an environmental conference. Fill in the blanks with the correctforms of the words and phrases in the box. Use each word or phrase once.fly excite look for need bore find outlisten interest take off frighten turn upIn December 2007, Nang Seng went on an 1. exciting trip. She went to Indonesia for aninternational conference about global warming. She felt a little nervous when the plane was 2. ________because she doesn’t like 3. ________. She also got lost while she was 4. ________ her luggage.People from 80 different countries 5. ________ at the conference. Nang Seng went to a lot ofmeetings, which is sometimes quite 6. ________. However, she also learned a lot about how our world ischanging and that urgent action is 7. ________ on global warming. She 8. ________ a lot of information onthis topic. It’s really quite 9. ________! Her schedule during the two week long conference was busy. Mostof her days and evenings were busy with meetings and discussions. When the participants were havingdiscussions, she 10. ________ to all the different opinions people expressed.Nang Seng enjoyed the conference because she is very 11. ________ in global warming and shelearned a lot.H. What makes a good or bad…?Describe characteristics of a good or bad example of each type of person. Use at least threeadjectives.1. A good teacher is patient, easy-going, and friendly.2. A bad teacher is3. A good manager is4. A bad manager is5. A good doctor is6. A bad doctor is7. A good politician is8. A bad politician isI. Making arrangementsLook at Nyi Nyi’s schedule below and complete the conversation. Use the present continuous tense.time Monday Tuesday Wednesday8:00am - 10:00am English class English class10:00am - 12 noon work at shop meet with teacher12 noon - 2:00pm lunch with Ma Sein lunch with Kyaw ZwaSai Sai: Hey – do you want to have tea on Monday morning?Nyi Nyi: Sorry, but I’m studying English from 8 until 10 o’clock.Sai Sai: Could we have lunch on Monday? I’m free at noon.Nyi Nyi: Sorry, I can’t. 1. __________. 2. __________ from Dawei on Monday. Are you free onTuesday morning?Sai Sai: Sorry, but I’m working all day on Tuesday. How about Wednesday?Nyi Nyi: Well, 3. __________ at 8:00, and then 4. __________ at 10:00. 5. __________ anythingat 12:00. How about then?Nyi Nyi: Yeah – that sounds great! I’m not busy on Wednesday. See you then!Sai Sai: OK – see you then!80 Revision

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