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B. Students write sentences about where she’s been, and when she went there.Answers:1. She’s been to France. She went there in 1992.2. She’s been to Thailand twice. She went there in 2002 and 2004.3. She’s been to Cambodia and Laos. She went there in 2002.4. She’s been to China. She went there in 2005.5. She’s been to Egypt. She went there in 2007.6. She’s been to Singapore and Indonesia. She went there in 1989.7. She’s been to Malaysia. She went there in 2003.C. Students fill the gaps in the paragraph, using the information in the texts.Answers:Nang Seng has visited ten countries in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. She has been toseven different countries in Asia. In 2002, she went to Laos , Cambodia andThailand . She has visited Thailand twice. <strong>The</strong> first time was in 2002 and the secondtime was in 2004 . In 1989, she visited Singapore and Indonesia . She’s only been toEurope twice. She’s visited Britain and France there. She went to Egypt in 2007 toattend a conference.3. <strong>The</strong> ArtsThis section looks at the arts: performing, writing, playing instruments, dancing, etc. <strong>The</strong> focus is on thetypes of arts you can see in Burma and Southeast Asia.3.1 VocabularyA. In groups, look at the words, and discuss their meanings.Students spend a few minutes looking up words they don’t know in their dictionaries.B. In groups, pairs or individually, students put these words into categories.Encourage students to think of more words connected with the arts, and put them in the table.Answers:watching listening reading/writingtheatre make-up musician record poet classicalrehearse play rehearse perform traditional writerconcert movie concert singer modern bookexhibition actor song bandcostume artist traditional orchestraphotographs perform modern folktraditional cinema classical karaokemodern puppet rock instrumentclassical circus opera jazzgalleryLanguage/Culture NotesAn orchestra is a large group of musicians playing classical music. A band is a smaller group ofmusicians; different bands play different types of music.Opera is a type of classical music, with a focus on singing and acting. Many different cultures have opera.An art gallery is a place where people go to see art. Art galleries and museums hold exhibitions thatfocus on a particular topic, period or artist.Module 1265

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