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9.2 Vocabulary reviewThis is a page of vocabulary learning using words from Module Twelve. Not all of the words used in themodule are here. If a word is very easy or not very useful, we haven’t included it.A. Students look up any words they don’t know in their dictionaries (if they have them), and writetranslations or explanations for them. For homework, students should focus on the words they havedifficulty with. Help students if they continue to have problems with any of the words.B. Answers:1. invent2. waste3. rehearse4. liaise5. stranger6. figure out7. peaceful8. recycle9. statistics10. suffer11. carry on12. cyclone, earthquakeC. For this activity you may need to provide paper/cardboard and scissors to each student. <strong>The</strong>y choosesix phrasal verbs and write them on twelve small pieces of cardboard or paper. Students join with oneor two others, and spread their cards out in mixed order, with the words face down. Students take itin turns to choose two cards and see if they make a phrasal verb. If they turn over two cards thatmake a phrasal verb, they explain what it means (in English or L1), keep the cards and have anotherturn. If they can’t define it, or if they turn two cards that are not a phrasal verb, it’s the next studentsturn. <strong>The</strong> winner is the student with the most cards at the end of the game. Give them at least 10minutes to play.This game is mostly a test of vocabulary, but also has an added challenge of remembering where thecards are located.If you and your students prefer to focus on items other than phrasal verbs, do any of the vocabularyactivities from the Vocabulary review sections of Modules 1-11.TestsOn page 104 there is a test of the language and skillsfrom Modules 11 and 12. Use this test so you and yourstudents can see how much they have learned. Copyenough tests so there is one for each student. <strong>The</strong>reis a marking guide on page 107.<strong>The</strong>re is also a final test of all the language and skillsfrom Modules 1-12 on page 108.Module 1277

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