The Art of SQL Server FILESTREAM - Red Gate Software

The Art of SQL Server FILESTREAM - Red Gate Software

The Art of SQL Server FILESTREAM - Red Gate Software


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Chapter 5: <strong>FILESTREAM</strong> with ASP.NET and SilverlightUSE masterGOIF DB_ID('NorthPole') IS NOT NULLDROP DATABASE NorthPoleGOCREATE DATABASE NorthPole ON PRIMARY (NAME = NorthPole,FILENAME = 'C:\<strong>Art</strong>OfFS\Demos\Chapter5\NorthPole.mdf'), FILEGROUP NorthPole_fs CONTAINS <strong>FILESTREAM</strong>(NAME = NorthPole_fs,FILENAME = 'C:\<strong>Art</strong>OfFS\Demos\Chapter5\NorthPole_fs') LOG ON (NAME = NorthPole_log,FILENAME = 'C:\<strong>Art</strong>OfFS\Demos\Chapter5\NorthPole_log.ldf')GOListing 5-1:Rebuilding the sample NorthPole database.Listing 5-2 creates the usual Items table, with a <strong>FILESTREAM</strong> column.USE NorthPoleGOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Items]([ItemID] INT IDENTITYPRIMARY KEY ,[ItemGuid] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER ROWGUIDCOLNOT NULLUNIQUE ,[ItemNumber] VARCHAR(20) ,[ItemDescription] VARCHAR(50) ,[ItemImage] VARBINARY(MAX) <strong>FILESTREAM</strong>NULL)GOListing 5-2:Creating the Items table.166

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