The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia


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FREEMASONRY AND KNIGHTS TEMPLARwas not utterly destroyed, for they kept up a regularsuccession <strong>of</strong> kings <strong>and</strong> high priests. Some <strong>of</strong> theprincipal captives were Advancedto <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> dignity<strong>and</strong> power in the royal palace, <strong>and</strong> were permittedto share in the councils <strong>of</strong> state.Jehoiachin, who was the first king <strong>of</strong> Judea carriedcaptive to Babylon, was succeeded by his sonShealtiel, <strong>and</strong> he by his son Zerubbabel, who wasthe head <strong>of</strong> the captivity or nominal prince <strong>of</strong> Judeaat the close <strong>of</strong> the captivity. Jehosadek was thehigh priest carried by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon,where he died during the captivity <strong>and</strong> was succeededby his eldest son, Joshua.Babylon the Great, as the prophet Daniel calls it,was situated 475 miles in a nearly easterly directionfrom Jerusalem. It stood in the midst <strong>of</strong> a large<strong>and</strong> fertile plain on each side <strong>of</strong> the river Euphrates,which ran through it from north to south, theoriginal foundation <strong>of</strong> which was Babel. Babelwas also' the name <strong>of</strong> a l<strong>of</strong>ty tower, which the descendants<strong>of</strong> Noah began to build, among whomNimrod was a leader, about one hundred <strong>and</strong> twentyyears after the flood, so called because God thereconfounded the language <strong>of</strong> those who were employedin the undertaking (Gen. x. 10; xi. 9). <strong>The</strong>irobject in building the city <strong>and</strong> tower was to concentratethe population <strong>and</strong> the dominion at thatspot; <strong>and</strong> as this was contrary to the divine purpose<strong>of</strong> replenishing the earth with inhabitants, <strong>and</strong>betrayed an ungodly <strong>and</strong> perhaps idolatrous disposition,God frustrated their designs by miraculouslygiving to different portions <strong>of</strong> the people differentlanguages or different modes <strong>of</strong> pronunciation <strong>and</strong>divergent dialects <strong>of</strong> the original language <strong>of</strong> man,95

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