The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia


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SUPPLEMENTAL ENCYCLOPAEDIAmeans <strong>of</strong> which he succeeded in conquering the insular part,too. This mole has in the course <strong>of</strong> time been transformedby alluvial deposits into a peninsula. But otherwise theremains which are left <strong>of</strong> this magnificent city are few <strong>and</strong>utterly insignificant. Its renowned manufactures are entirelydead, its commerce totally gone <strong>and</strong> a miserable villagestraggles along the site where once stood the richeststorehouses <strong>and</strong> the most splendid palaces.Ur<strong>The</strong> country <strong>of</strong> Terah, <strong>and</strong> the birthplace <strong>of</strong> Abraham.It is usually called "Ur <strong>of</strong> the Chaldees," <strong>and</strong> islocated, with strong probability, in the northwest part <strong>of</strong>Mesopotamia. <strong>The</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Orfah, to .which the Jews makepilgrimages as the birthplace <strong>of</strong> Abraham, is a flourishingtown <strong>of</strong> 30,000 inhabitants, seventy-eight miles southwest<strong>of</strong> Diarbekir. Some, however, place Ur in Lower Chaldea,Warka.at extensive ruins now calledVenuspleasure.<strong>The</strong> goddess <strong>of</strong> love, gracefulness, beauty <strong>and</strong>Said to have sprung from the sea.Wilderness <strong>of</strong> Paran A large tract <strong>of</strong> desert countrylying south <strong>of</strong> Palestine, <strong>and</strong> west <strong>of</strong> the valley El-Arabah,which runs from the Dead Sea to the Gulf <strong>of</strong> Akaba. Itwas in <strong>and</strong> near this desert region that the Israelites w<strong>and</strong>eredthirty-eight years. It extended on the south to withinthree days' journey <strong>of</strong> Sinai, if not to Sinai itself. On thenorth it included the deserts <strong>of</strong> Kadesh <strong>and</strong> Zin. Tn thedovrt <strong>of</strong> Kadesh was situated the city <strong>of</strong> Kadesh- Barnea,which was said to lie in the "uttermost border <strong>of</strong> Edom,"<strong>and</strong> was probably situated very near the great valley <strong>of</strong>El-Arabah, south <strong>of</strong> the Dead Sea. Kadesh was twicevisited by the Israelites in their w<strong>and</strong>erings;once afterthey left Mount Sinai, <strong>and</strong> again thirty-eight years after.At the first visit the mission <strong>and</strong> return <strong>of</strong> the twelve spu-*--took place, the rebellion <strong>of</strong> the people, <strong>and</strong> their presumptuouseffort to enter Canaan by the pass Zephath, immediatelynorth <strong>of</strong> Kadesh. At their second visit occurred204

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