The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia


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SUPPLEMENTAL ENCYCLOPEDIAby persecution. <strong>The</strong> firstmonastery was founded by Pachomiuson the isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tabenna in the Nile, about the year340; the first nunnery by his sister some eight years later.Various developments o^ the monastic system are to befound in the Middle Ages, as the military orders, friars(<strong>of</strong>ten distinguished from monks proper),etc. Since theReformation, <strong>and</strong> especially since the French Revolution,monachism has declined in Western countries, or has beenovershadowed by the society <strong>of</strong> Jesuits (a religious ojder<strong>of</strong> the Roman Catholic Church),flourish in Eastern churches.Mosesbut still continues to<strong>The</strong> son <strong>of</strong> Amram <strong>and</strong> Jochebed, <strong>of</strong> the tribe<strong>of</strong> Levi, <strong>and</strong> the younger brother <strong>of</strong> Miriam <strong>and</strong> Aaron,was born about 1571 B. C. His history is divided intothree periods, each <strong>of</strong> forty years. <strong>The</strong> first extends fromhis infancy, when he was exposed in the Nile, <strong>and</strong> found<strong>and</strong> adopted by the daughter <strong>of</strong> Pharaoh, to his flight toMidian. During this time he lived at the Egyptian court,<strong>and</strong> "was learned in all the wisdom <strong>of</strong> the Egyptians, <strong>and</strong>was mighty in words <strong>and</strong> in deeds" (Acts vii. 22). Thisis no unmeaning praise the "wisdom" <strong>of</strong> the; Egyptians,was then the pr<strong>of</strong>oundest in<strong>and</strong> especially <strong>of</strong> their priests,the world. <strong>The</strong> second period was from his flight till hisreturn to Egypt, during the whole <strong>of</strong> which interval heappears to have lived in Midian it may be much after themanner <strong>of</strong> the Bedaween sheikhs <strong>of</strong> the present day. Herehe married Zipporah, daughter <strong>of</strong> the wise <strong>and</strong> pious Jethro,<strong>and</strong> became familiar with life in the desert. What a contrastbetween the former period, spent amid the splendors<strong>and</strong> learning <strong>of</strong> a court <strong>and</strong> this lonely nomadic life. Stillit was in this way that he prepared himself to be the instrument<strong>of</strong> deliverance to his people during the third period<strong>of</strong> his life, which extends from the exodus out <strong>of</strong> Egypt tohis death on Mount Nebo. <strong>The</strong> life <strong>and</strong> institutions <strong>of</strong>Moses breathe a spirit <strong>of</strong> freedom, purity, intelligence,justice <strong>and</strong> humanity elsewhere unknown; <strong>and</strong>, above all,189

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