The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia


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SUPPLEMENTAL ENCYCLC HVKDIA1116 B. C, when it was taken by the Philistines under theadministration <strong>of</strong> the high priestEli.Sidon Xow called Saida. Tt was a celebrated city<strong>of</strong> IMimiicia, on the Mediterranean Sea, twenty miles north<strong>of</strong> Tyre <strong>and</strong> as many south oi" I'.eyroot. It is one <strong>of</strong> themost ancient cities in the world, <strong>and</strong> is believed to havebeen founded by Zidon, the eldest son <strong>of</strong> Canaan. In thetime <strong>of</strong> Homer (850 B. C.) the Zidonians were eminentfor their trade <strong>and</strong> commerce, their wealth <strong>and</strong> prosperity,their skill in navigation, astronomy, architecture <strong>and</strong>for their manufactures <strong>of</strong> glass, etc. <strong>The</strong>y had then acommodious harbor, now choked with s<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> inaccessibleto any but the smallest vessels. Upon the division<strong>of</strong> Canaan among the tribes <strong>of</strong> Joshua, Great Zidon fellto the lot <strong>of</strong> Asher; bu\ that tribe never succeeded inobtaining possession. <strong>The</strong> Zidonians continued longunder their own government <strong>and</strong> kings, though sometimestributary to the kings <strong>of</strong> Tyre. <strong>The</strong>y were subduedsuccessively by the Babylonians, Egyptians <strong>and</strong> Romans,the latter <strong>of</strong> whom deprived them <strong>of</strong> their freedom. Itis at present,like most <strong>of</strong> the other Turkish towns inSyria, dirty <strong>and</strong> full <strong>of</strong> ruins, though it still retains alittle coasting trade, <strong>and</strong> has about five thous<strong>and</strong> inhabitants.Sinai A mountain, or mountain range, in ArabiaI'etnea in the peninsula formed by the two arms <strong>of</strong> theRed Sea. <strong>and</strong> rendered memorable as the spot where,, thelaw was given to Israel through Moses. <strong>The</strong> upper region<strong>of</strong> Sinai forms an irregular circle <strong>of</strong> thirty or forty milesin diameter, possessing numerous sources <strong>of</strong> water, a temperateclimate <strong>and</strong> a soil capable <strong>of</strong> supporting animal <strong>and</strong>able life; for which reason it is the refuge <strong>of</strong> all theI'edaweens when the low countryisparched tip. This,therefore, was the part <strong>of</strong> the peninsula best adapted to theresidence <strong>of</strong> nearly a year, during which the Israeliteswere numbered, <strong>and</strong> received their laws from the Most[98

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