The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia


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SUPPLEMENTAL ENCYCLOPAEDIA<strong>and</strong> from there to Ekron. In 1115 B. C. it was taken tothe l<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Beth-shemesh, <strong>and</strong> from there to Kirjath-jearim,a city <strong>of</strong> the Gibeonites, about nine miles northeast <strong>of</strong>Jerusalem, <strong>and</strong> placed in the house <strong>of</strong> Abinadab, a Levite(I. Sam. iv.-vii.). In 1045 B. C. the ark was taken tothe house <strong>of</strong> Obed-edom, a Gentile (II. Sam. vi.-x.), <strong>and</strong>in the same yearit was carried under King David's instructionsto Jerusalem, where it was placed in a temporarytabernacle (I. Chron. xv., xvi.).Athelstan An able Anglo-Saxon king <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong>,born about 895 A. D.., was the natural son <strong>of</strong> Edward theElder, <strong>and</strong> a gr<strong>and</strong>son <strong>of</strong> Elfred the Great. He began toreign in 925, <strong>and</strong> was the first actual sovereign<strong>of</strong> allEngl<strong>and</strong>. On the death <strong>of</strong> Sigtric, king <strong>of</strong> Northumbria,Athelstan annexed that country. A league was formedagainst him by the Welsh, Scots <strong>and</strong> Picts, whom he defeatedin a great battle at Brunenburg, in 937. He reignedover nearly all the isl<strong>and</strong>, except Scotl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales. Hepromoted learning <strong>and</strong> civilization, <strong>and</strong> was reputed one<strong>of</strong> the wisest <strong>of</strong> the Anglo-Saxon kings. He died withoutissue October 27, 940, <strong>and</strong> was succeeded by his brotherEdmund.Athanasius Saint, a celebrated Greek Father <strong>of</strong> thechurch, was born at Alex<strong>and</strong>ria about A. D. 296. Hiseducation was directed by Alex<strong>and</strong>er, archbishop <strong>of</strong> Alex<strong>and</strong>ria.After he had been ordained as a deacon he was appointeda member <strong>of</strong> the General Council <strong>of</strong> Nice (A. D.325), in which 'ie distinguished himself by his eloquence,learning, <strong>and</strong> zeal against Arianism (a denial that the Sonwas co-essential <strong>and</strong> co-eternal with the Father).Bacchus (Gr., Dionysus) <strong>The</strong> youthful <strong>and</strong> beautifulHe taught mengod <strong>of</strong> wine, said to be the son <strong>of</strong> Jupiter.the culture <strong>of</strong> the vine, <strong>and</strong> first produced from grapesan intoxicating drink. His worship was spread over many1 66

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