The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia


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FREEMASON KY VND KNIGHTS TEMPLAR<strong>The</strong> Crescent.Mohammedanism Was Conceived in Abraham <strong>and</strong>Given Birth through Mohammed.Abraham had only one son, Isaac, hy his wife,Sarah, who was born in the year 1896 B. C. Fouryears after Isaac's birth, Ishmael, who was theson <strong>of</strong> Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian h<strong>and</strong>maid,Hagar, as is related in Genesis xxi., was driveninto the wilderness with his mother. "And he willbe a wild man his h<strong>and</strong> will;be against every man,<strong>and</strong> every man's h<strong>and</strong> against him; <strong>and</strong> he shalldwell in the presence <strong>of</strong> all his brethren" (Gen.xvi.). "Ishmael was blessed," <strong>and</strong> had twelvesons that became "princes according to their nations.And they dwelt from Havelah to Shur, thatis before Egypt as thou goest towards Assyria"(Gen. xxv.). "<strong>The</strong>y had golden earrings, becausethey were Ishmaelites"* (Judg. viii. "24).Ishmael died in the year 1773 B. C, "in the presence<strong>of</strong> all his brethren, at the age <strong>of</strong> 137 years."<strong>The</strong> Arabs regard him as their immediate ancestor.<strong>The</strong> legend <strong>of</strong> the peopleis as follows: Whenour first parents were driven out <strong>of</strong> Paradise, theyw<strong>and</strong>ered until they finally settled on the border<strong>of</strong> the great Arabian desert. Here they built atemple, the Kaaba, in exact imitation <strong>of</strong> that inwhich they had worshiped in the Garden <strong>of</strong> Eden.Ten generations later a flood swept that region<strong>and</strong> destroyed the frail building, so that no vestigeremained. Ten generations later, in a fit <strong>of</strong> crueljealousy, Sarah, the wife <strong>of</strong> the patriarch Abraham,caused him to drive out his h<strong>and</strong>maid, Hagar,121

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