The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia


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FREEMASONRY AND KNIGHTS TEMPLARMasonic historians have found much difficulty insettling the question as to the time <strong>of</strong> the invention<strong>and</strong> composition <strong>of</strong> the degree. <strong>The</strong> theory thatat the building <strong>of</strong> the temple <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem theCraft were divided into three or even moredegrees, being only a symbolic myth, must bediscarded in any historical discussion <strong>of</strong> thesubject. <strong>The</strong> real question at issue is, whether theMaster Mason's degree, as a degree, was in existenceamong the operative Freemasons before theor whether we owe it to theeighteenth century,Revivalists <strong>of</strong> 1717, <strong>and</strong> documentary evidence isyet wanting to settle the precise time <strong>of</strong> its composition,as we now have it. It was originally calledthe summit <strong>of</strong> Ancient Craft Masonry. But underthe present organization the degree isactually incomplete,because it needs a complement that is onlyto be supplied in a higher one. Hence its symbolismis necessarily restricted, in its mutilated form,to the first temple <strong>and</strong> the present life, although itgives assurance <strong>of</strong> a future one. (SeeDegrees, page 78.)<strong>The</strong> whole system <strong>of</strong> Craft Masonry isRevival <strong>and</strong>intendedto present the symbolic idea <strong>of</strong> man passing throughthe pilgrimage <strong>of</strong> life. <strong>The</strong> Entered ApprenticeMason istaught those elementary instructionswhich are to fit him for further advancement in hispr<strong>of</strong>ession, just as the youth is supplied with thatrudimentary education which is to prepare him forthe active duties <strong>of</strong> life; as a Fellow Craft he isdirected to continue his investigations in the science<strong>of</strong> the institution <strong>and</strong> to labor diligently in thetasks it prescribes, just as the man isrequired toenlarge his mind by the acquisition <strong>of</strong> new ideas,<strong>and</strong> to extend his usefulness to his fellow-creatures ;86

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