The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia

The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar ... - Lodge Prudentia


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FREEMASONRY AND KNIGHTS TEMPLARthe horizon was all at once covered with such ipipenetrabledarkness that the combatants couldscarcely distinguish the gplors they fought under,or see the st<strong>and</strong>ards floated over the towers; theflames appeared in several quarters without any onemaking an effort to extinguish them the ; conquerorsonly thought <strong>of</strong> destroying the city the only object<strong>of</strong> the conquered was to escape. Whole ;familiestook refuge in churches, where they were stifledby the flames, or cut to pieces at the foot <strong>of</strong> thealtars ; many women <strong>and</strong> timid virgins, to preservetheir chastity, cut <strong>of</strong>f their noses <strong>and</strong> otherwise disfiguredthemselves to escape the brutalityconquerors,<strong>of</strong> thefor when the Moslems beheld theirbleeding faces, they would conceive a disgust forthem <strong>and</strong> put them to the sword at once.<strong>The</strong> castle <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Templar</strong>s, situated on the seacoast,in which all the <strong>Knights</strong> had taken refugewho had escaped the steel <strong>of</strong> the Moslems, was theonly place in the city that had held out.After severaldays' siege, the Sultan granted a capitulation,<strong>and</strong> sent three hundred Moslems to execute thetreaty. Scarcely had these entered one <strong>of</strong> the principaltowers, the tower <strong>of</strong> the Gr<strong>and</strong> Master, thanthey began to outrage the women who had takenrefuge there. This violation <strong>of</strong> the rights <strong>of</strong> warirritated the Christian warriors to such a degreethat all the Moslems who entered the tower wereput to death. <strong>The</strong> angry Sultan ordered the siegerenewed at once, <strong>and</strong> that all <strong>Templar</strong>s in the asylumbe put to the sword. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Templar</strong>s <strong>and</strong> their companionsdefended themselves for several days; atlength the tower <strong>of</strong> the Gr<strong>and</strong> Master was undermined,<strong>and</strong> fell at the very moment the Moslems149

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