A Wordnet from the Ground Up

A Wordnet from the Ground Up - School of Information Technology ...

A Wordnet from the Ground Up - School of Information Technology ...


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142 Chapter 4. Extracting Relation Instancesakredytacja (accreditation)anegdota (anecdote)dwója (bad (lowest) mark)forteca (fortress)forteca (fortress)incydent (incident)instrument (instrument)owca (sheep)abonent (subscriber)cmentarz (cemetary)chwilka (fleeting moment)gniew (anger)jesion (ash tree)owoc (fruit)palec (finger, digit)paliwo (fuel)aktyw (activists)kompletność (completeness)oś (axle)otyłość (obesity)ożywienie (animation)agenda (agenda)alergia (allergy)ankieta (survey)komisariat (police station)lądowanie (loading)True positiveszezwolenie (permission)opowieść (tale)dwójka (dyad, pair)budowla (edifice)zamek (castle)zajście (incident)przyrząd (example)jagnię (lamb)False positivesodbiornik (receiver)zakwaterowanie (quarters)berbeć (toddler)strach (fear)konar (bough)grzyb (mushroom)nos (nose)odpad (waste)True negativesprzychód (income)zgodność (consistence, concordance)kierunek (direction)nowotwór (cancer)postęp (progress)False negativesprzedstawicielstwo (diplomatic agency)patologia (pathology)badanie (investigation)urząd (office)manewr (maneuver)Figure 4.7: Example results of <strong>the</strong> classification of LU pairs not present in plWordNet (at <strong>the</strong> time of<strong>the</strong> test) as relevant (near-synonyms and close hypernyms) and not relevant. The classifierwas C4.5, <strong>the</strong> positive to negative ratio 1:10; manually prepared negative examples were usedtoge<strong>the</strong>r with automatically generated examples

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