Worldwide transfer pricing reference guide 2014

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Jurisdiction contacts<br />

• Albania<br />

Alexandros Karakitis<br />

+ 30 21 028 8631 7<br />

alexandros.karakitis@gr.ey.com<br />

• Algeria<br />

Mathias Kuehn<br />

+ 33 15 561 1314<br />

mathias.kuehn@ey-avocats.com<br />

• Angola<br />

Paulo Mendonca<br />

+ 35 12 1791 2045<br />

paulo.mendonca@pt.ey.com<br />

• Argentina<br />

Carlos Casanovas<br />

+ 54 11 431 8161 9<br />

carlos.casanovas@ar.ey.com<br />

• Armenia<br />

Kamo Karapetyan<br />

+ 37 41 050 0790<br />

kamo.karapetyan@am.ey.com<br />

• Australia<br />

Paul Balkus<br />

+ 61 29 248 4952<br />

paul.balkus@au.ey.com<br />

Jesper Solgaard<br />

+ 61 29 248 5555<br />

jesper.solgaard@au.ey.com<br />

• Austria<br />

Andreas Stefaner<br />

+ 43 12 117 0104 1<br />

andreas.stefaner@at.ey.com<br />

• Azerbaijan<br />

Arzu Hajiyeva<br />

+ 99 41 249 0702 0<br />

arzu.hajiyeva@az.ey.com<br />

• Bahrain<br />

Guy Taylor<br />

+ 97 14 701 0566<br />

guy.taylor@ae.ey.com<br />

• Bangladesh<br />

Vijay Iyer<br />

+ 91 98 104 9520 3<br />

vijay.iyer@in.ey.com<br />

• Belarus<br />

Arndrei Chumakov<br />

+ 74 95 662 9316<br />

andrei.chumakov@ru.ey.com<br />

• Belgium<br />

Herwig Joosten<br />

+ 32 02 774 9349<br />

herwig.joosten@be.ey.com<br />

• Bolivia<br />

Javier Iriarte<br />

+ 22434313<br />

javier.iriarte@bo.ey.com<br />

• Botswana<br />

Josephine Banda<br />

+ 26 7397 4078<br />

josephine.banda@za.ey.com<br />

• Brazil<br />

Katherine Pinzon<br />

+ 13 05 415 1765<br />

katherine.pinzon@ey.com<br />

• Brunei<br />

Lim Teck Guan<br />

+ 67 32 239 139<br />

teck-guan.lim@bn.ey.com<br />

• Bulgaria<br />

Alexandros Karakitis<br />

+ 30 21 028 8631 7<br />

lexandros.karakitis@gr.ey.com<br />

• Cambodia<br />

Christopher Butler<br />

+ 84 83 824 5252<br />

christopher.butler@au.ey.com<br />

• Cameroon<br />

Hadidjatou Goggo<br />

+ 23 73 350 2432<br />

hadidjatou.goggo@cm.ey.com<br />

• Canada<br />

John Oatway<br />

+ 16 13 598 4809<br />

john.oatway@ca.ey.com<br />

• Chile<br />

Mauricio Loy<br />

+ 56 26 761 419<br />

mauricio.loy@cl.ey.com<br />

• China<br />

Andrew Choy<br />

+ 86 10 58153230<br />

andrew.choy@cn.ey.com<br />

Kai Hielscher<br />

+ 81 33 506 1356<br />

kai.hielscher@de.ey.com<br />

• Colombia<br />

Andres Parra<br />

+ 57 14 847 600<br />

andres.parra@co.ey.com<br />

• Costa Rica<br />

Rafael Sayagues<br />

+ 12 12 773 4761<br />

rafael.sayagues@ey.com<br />

• Croatia<br />

Denes Szabo<br />

+ 36 14 518 209<br />

denes.szabo@hu.ey.com<br />

• Cyprus<br />

Philippos Raptopoulos<br />

+ 35 72 520 9740<br />

philippos.raptopoulos@cy.ey.com<br />

• Czech Republic<br />

Libor Fryzek<br />

+ 42 02 253 3531 0<br />

libor.fryzek@cz.ey.com<br />

• Denmark<br />

Henrik Arhnung<br />

+ 45 51 582 649<br />

henrik.arhnung@dk.ey.com<br />

• Dominican Republic<br />

Jorge Novas<br />

+ 80 947 2397 3<br />

jorge.novas@do.ey.com<br />

• Ecuador<br />

Carlos Cazar<br />

+ 59 32 255 5553<br />

carlos.cazar@ec.ey.com<br />

• Egypt<br />

Guy Taylor<br />

+ 97 14 701 0566<br />

guy.taylor@ae.ey.com<br />

<strong>Worldwide</strong> <strong>transfer</strong> <strong>pricing</strong> <strong>reference</strong> <strong>guide</strong><br />


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