2018 Beach Retreat Leader Manual

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Step 1<br />

In the beginning, God, who is perfect and holy in all of His ways,<br />

created man out of love and pleasure. God even gave man<br />

free will. We matter to God. He made us; He loves us with an<br />

extravagant love; and He wants to have a relationship with us<br />

[Write GOD on the right and MAN on the left.]<br />

Step 2<br />

However, one day, man sinned against God and so was<br />

separated from God. We’ve all disobeyed Him. (Romans 3:23)<br />

And our sins have separated us from Him, and broken off the<br />

relationship. Sin is anything that falls short of the standard of<br />

the perfect and holy God (e.g. murder, theft, lust, lies, etc). It<br />

includes our thoughts, speech, and attitudes.<br />

[Draw the 2 cliffs separating MAN and GOD.]<br />

Step 3<br />

To varying degrees, most of us are aware of our distance from<br />

God. And so we start doing all kinds of things to try to get<br />

back to Him, like being a helpful neighbor, paying our taxes,<br />

going to church, and giving money to charities.<br />

There’s nothing wrong with these, but the Bible makes it<br />

clear that none of them can get rid of our sins or earn us<br />

God’s forgiveness and re-establish our relationship with Him.<br />

[Draw arrows on the side of MAN pointing to GOD.]<br />

Furthermore, the sins we’ve committed must be punished,<br />

and the penalty we owe is death, which means both physical<br />

death as well as spiritual separation from God for eternity, in<br />

a place called Hell. (Romans 6:23)<br />

[Write DEATH at the bottom of the valley between the<br />

2 cliffs.]<br />

that Jesus is truly the sinless Son of God, that He came to<br />

Earth, died on the cross for our sins, rose again proving His<br />

victory over sin and death; and then committing to following<br />

Him as our Lord, Savior, and King. That simple act of trust and<br />

obedience results in our sins being forgiven. Our relationship<br />

with God is firmly established, because we’re immediately<br />

adopted into His family as His son or daughter.<br />

[Draw a cancellation on the word DEATH.]<br />

Step 5<br />

Ask “So, where are you standing at now?” The answer would<br />

lead you to know whether the person is ready to receive Christ.<br />

If he/she is still on the MAN’s side, you can ask, “What stops you<br />

from going to the other side?” (Romans 10:9-10)<br />

[Draw a man on each side connected by an arrow.]<br />

It’s not enough to just know about this or even agree with it.<br />

We’ve got to act upon it. God wants us to move over to the<br />

other side.<br />

Remember not to be pushy, but be led by the Holy Spirit.<br />

If the person is not ready, just pray and wait for another<br />

opportune time.<br />

Step 4<br />

However, there is a way out. You see, God loves man, and He<br />

wants us to live fulfilling lives. So He sent Jesus Christ, His one and<br />

only Son to come down to earth to die for our sins. (John 3:16)<br />

[Draw a cross in between the 2 cliffs, bridging it.]<br />

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This is the Good News! We can move to the other side by<br />

admitting to God that we’ve sinned against Him, confessing our<br />

sin and our need for His forgiveness and leadership; believing

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