Image Acquisitionand Proces

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Glossary 235<br />

Resolution There are two types of resolution in digital images: spatial and<br />

intensity. Spatial resolution is the number of pixels per unit of length<br />

along the x and y axis, whereas intensity resolution is the number of<br />

quantized brightness levels that a pixel can have.<br />

RGB Red, green, blue. A triplet of numeric values used to describe a color.<br />

ROI Region of interest. A speciÞcation structure that allows for the deÞnition<br />

of arbitrarily shaped regions within a given image. A ROI is a placeholder<br />

that remembers a location within an image. The ROI can encompass the<br />

entire image. See also AOI.<br />

Scan line See Raster.<br />

Screen Coordinates Screen coordinates are those of the actual graphics display<br />

controller, with its origin at the upper lefthand corner of the display. See<br />

also Coordinates.<br />

Segment A contiguous section of a raster line deÞned in physical coordinates<br />

by the triplet of its left-most point and length (x, y, l).<br />

Systems Integrator A service provider who can deliver a custom hardware and<br />

software system, integrating various components from different manufacturers,<br />

often writing custom software and fabricating custom hardware.<br />

TGA TrueVision Corporation Þle format extension.<br />

TIFF Tagged <strong>Image</strong> File Format extension.<br />

Thumbnail A small copy of an image usually used to display many images on<br />

the screen at once in a browser conÞguration.<br />

Transform An algorithm that alters an image, often written as xform. See also<br />

Point Transform, Neighborhood Transform and Geometric Transform.<br />

Triplet Three numbers which when used together represent a single quantity or<br />

location (e.g., RGB or x, y, z.)<br />

Umbras Portions of a shadow that are neither totally light nor totally dark.<br />

Video Signal A time varying signal where the amplitude of the signal is proportional<br />

to the light sensed on a point in the image, and the elapsed time<br />

identiÞes the location of the sensed point in an image.<br />

Video Stream A sequence of still images that are transmitted and displayed in<br />

synchronous order given the appearance of live motion.<br />

WMF Microsoft Corporation Windows MetaFile Format Þle format extension.<br />

WPG Word Perfect Corporation Þle format extension.

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