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of the war, which is a strong testimony to the

belief of former generations in the power of

prayer to change the course even of the history

of nations.

Please go to: https://realchristianity.org/2020/


Prayer to the one true Trinitarian God should

always be at the heart of the nation’s life, and

not least when it is going through a major crisis

such as a pandemic. Even a virus comes upon a

nation in God’s providence, and represents a

call to national self-examination and to seek the

face of Him who is well able to remove

afflictions from a people who humble

themselves before Him.

We read, for example, in 2 Samuel 24:25

(KJV), “And David built there an altar unto the

LORD, and offered burnt offerings and peace

offerings (symbolic of prayer through Christ).

So the LORD was intreated for the land, and the

plague was stayed from Israel”.

If anyone would like to ask any questions

about the Christian faith, such as 'Why does

God allow suffering?', please email me at the

address in the first paragraph, and I will be most

happy to endeavour to explain what the Bible

teaches. Pastor Peter Simpson, www.realchristianity.org

Tylers Green Methodist Church

Lockdown! That’s where we are at the moment,

but it doesn’t mean that our worship has ceased.

At the initiative of Marlow Methodist and URC

Churches supported by the Methodist Churches

of the High Wycombe Circuit a service is

streamed live at 10.30 am every Sunday with

recorded contributions from people from many

different churches. And it is all put together by

some very skilled technicians. To date, the

Tylers Green minister, the Rev Vida Foday, and

three of our members have taken part in some of

the services. The services are not only available

online from Marlow Methodist Church website

but can also be heard on Marlow FM. Previous

services are available through the Marlow

Methodist Church Facebook page: www.



Village Voice June/July 2020

We are also dipping toes into water with

Zoom technology which is proving a great asset

to churches of many different denominations.

Our monthly magazine continues online from

the High Wycombe Methodist Church website


tylers-green). Just click on Tylers Green and the

current and past issues come into view.

I am sure we are not alone in wondering what

the long-term effect of the Pandemic will be.

Even if the Government announces that

churches can reopen, will people feel ready and

confident to come back to services? Bearing in

mind the average age of worshippers this is a

very real possibility. Then there is the question

of safe distancing inside the building and, do we

sing? This may seem like a silly question but in

the reopened churches in Germany worshippers

are not permitted to sing because of the

increased air expelled from the lungs during

singing. A risk too far, says the German

Government, and as a choral singer I can

understand the need for caution.

But the lockdown has seen some wonderful

examples of human response – like the incident

reported on Facebook by Peter Brown of the

queue outside Little Waitrose at Hazlemere

Crossroad letting ambulance crew straight into

the shop and to be first to the till, where the staff

told them their lunch was on the house. Or the

‘extra mile’ service to the community by Dip at

Kings Ride Supermarket. To give an example,

my daughter was shopping for a friend who is

unable to leave home. Dip did not have one

item, so what did he do, he immediately got into

his van and fetched what was missing from his

wholesaler. There are many people in the area

for whom he has been a lifeline.

These examples can be multiplied over and

over. The Pandemic has unleashed an almost

forgotten understanding of what it means to be

human. We Christians would say that people

are just doing what the Gospels ask us to do.

All of us can say well done to all our heroes,

sung or unsung, and thank God for them.

Peter Stevens, Senior Church Steward


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