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is not easy but add to that COVID-19 and the

challenges only increase. Manager Steve Burton

said “We always want to provide a place that the

members of our community can regard as their

home, indeed we’re all one big family. We can

only achieve this through the dedicated team

here led by our Head of Care, to whom I’m

eternally grateful.”

Each day is different with the team applying

the government’s guidelines while at the same

time seeking to ensure that all the residents are

safe and comfortable in these unsettling days.

Colin Hutt, Chairman of the Trustees said “We

are so grateful not only to the in-house team but

also to the doctors and staff at Penn Surgery and

at the Pharmacy. These are difficult times, but

it’s so encouraging to see the way that people

rally around to support us, and for this we are

most grateful”. Tim Marshall

Village Care

As far as Village care clients are concerned, we

have just one requiring active support, who is

taken to and from Wycombe Hospital twice a

week for treatment. Both driver and patient

wear masks. Other clients know that we are

“open” during our normal telephone hours and

will endeavour to help in whatever way possible

although with many of our volunteer drivers

over 70, we have had to suspend the usual lift

service. Telephonists, freed from their normal

duties of answering the phone and finding

drivers to take clients to various places (medical

appointments, dentists, hairdressers, shopping

etc) are phoning round clients in order to check

that they are managing and to have a chat. Both

clients and telephonists have enjoyed getting to

know each other a bit better.

Five Village Care volunteer drivers are

supporting our Penn Pharmacy by taking the

medication to the homes of those who are self

isolating. Each weekday, the duty driver picks

up prescriptions and drives them round to the

relevant person. Arrangements for this home

delivery service are made via Penn Pharmacy

(Lansdales). Highfield Surgery clients should


Village Voice June/July 2020

ask their doctor to send their prescription to

Lansdales in Penn.

We have postponed the Village Care Open

Gardens afternoon until Sunday 13th September

from 1:30pm to 5:30pm. Meanwhile, Ruth

Powell has set up a Facebook page to which all

gardeners, not just Open Gardeners, are invited

to post pictures of their lovely gardens/flowers

for us all to enjoy. This can be found at www.

facebook.com/PandTGOpenGardens Paul Breeze

Penn Pond Waders Golf Society

Our government has announced that golf

courses can reopen subject to the 2-metre social

distancing rules. Whilst this is very welcome

news, play is restricted to a 2-ball.

We were deeply saddened to learn of the

death of Frank Holder in Spain back in March.

Frank was one of our founder members and a

hugely popular figure within our Society. Many

Penn residents will remember Frank fondly. He

always had the ability to make everyone laugh

around him. He will be greatly missed. We send

our sympathies to Lesley and his daughters.

Against such an uncertain background, it

remains hard to plan any of our 2020 events

with any degree of confidence. We shall have to

wait and see whether golf clubs will allow

societies back onto their courses over the

coming months. As things currently stand, our

next events will be at Berkhamsted GC on 5th

June 2020 and at Henley GC on Friday 10th

July. Please see our website for any changes to

our 2020 event schedule .

Our May tour to Northern Portugal has had to

be postponed until November. Whether the

current 14-day quarantine rules for flights will

still be in place by then remains to be seen.

If you are interested in joining our friendly

Society or coming along as a guest at any of our

future events, please contact our Secretary Bob

Teuton on 07973 137446. We look forward to

welcoming some new Waders at some of the

great golfing venues that we have got booked as

soon as we can resume. For details, please visit:

pennpondwadersgolfsociety.com John Horton


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