VV_June July Web 20-compressed

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An enormous amount of work has been

undertaken and all staff from wherever they

came have been working wonderfully together.

Most Council staff have been equipped to work

from home, even the customer service centre

staff and extra support has been given to help

them to do this. Most offices have been closed

and we have all learned how to work in a new

world of virtual meetings.

The Council have also been working with

businesses to make sure their funding is

received as soon as possible and in most cases

managed a 5 day turn around from receipt of

application to payment of grant. Staff have

worked all hours and weekends and bank

holidays to achieve this.

In addition within days of the emergency

being classed as a major incident eight support

hubs were established to help support the most

vulnerable in our communities. Many staff have

been temporarily redeployed to assist in local

hubs to help with food parcels and making sure

those isolating and shielding have everything

they need and just keeping in contact with

people on their own.

Alongside all this, the Council has also had to

make sure that business as usual continues,

which it has done, with some hiccups along the

way, with issues with staff for waste collections,

and having to close household waste recycling

centres. Thankfully, all are back to normal now

although a new kind of normal, but we can

move forward to a this new world of social

distancing and ways of working. Things will not

go back as they were before either for

employees of the Council or for Councillors, as

home working will still feature as will on-line

meetings for some time to come. Public

meetings in the offices are not planned for the

foreseeable future as with around 200

councillors because of the cancelled elections, it

will be hard to find somewhere large enough to

accommodate so many with social distancing.

However, Councillors are still there for

residents. You may in the past have had to go to

different councillors for different things, well


Village Voice June/July 2020

now we all do everything! Just keep to your

individual wards and pick a councillor and they

should be able to help you with anything

council related from planning to waste to

schools and everything in between. We are all

listed in the back pages but please bear with us ,

as some of this is new to us too and we are

learning as we go! Keep Safe! Katrina Wood.

Deputy Leader. Buckinghamshire Council. Cabinet Member

for Resources and Councillorr

Chepping Wycombe Parish Council

For Tylers Green and Loudwater (and also

Hazlemere). As reported in the last VV, all our

meetings were cancelled as they could not be

undertaken safely during the Covid pandemic

and there was no legal mechanism to allow

on-line meetings when this happened. Now the

Government has brought forward emergency

powers to allow this and online voting to take

place, so our first Full Council meeting was held

successfully in May. This hasn’t delayed any

urgent business and we are still managing to

carry out our normal office functions. The

offices are virtually closed to the public but

manned every morning and some afternoons to

allow our staff to work reduced hours in the

office and stay safe, but we have taken steps to

allow them to work successfully from home and

the clerk is always contactable by email during

our normal hours. All the usual work is being

undertaken by our grounds team including litter

collection, grass cutting and hedge cutting,

within the parameters allowed, including

travelling to site in separate vehicles and

maintaining social distancing.

We are very grateful to the volunteer litter

pickers who have been regularly collecting

rubbish around the common especially at the

weekends and bank holidays. With more people

out and about and taking daily exercise at the

moment, the bins are filling up quicker than we

can empty them, and this can be both a health

hazard and unsightly. We are therefore pleading

for people to “Take their litter home”, especially

if the bins are full, as discarded waste and


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