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matter not having a speaker as all members will

want to do is chat!

I am sure on behalf of many of you I would

like to thank the organisers and helpers for all

the assistance that has been arranged for those

of us who have so benefitted from it throughout

the village. I myself am most grateful.You can

join in with the clapping on Thursdays and take

some credit too.Thank you to everyone

involved. Best wishes to all. Sheila Sparrow

Evening WI

We are also in the same situation as all clubs

and societies in the Village of not being able to

hold our monthly meetings. Never the less our

members have been busy adjusting to lockdown

in their homes. A number have been busy

sewing for the NHS making scrub bags - to

date 80+ have been delivered helped

enormously by one member contributing over

70. Some of these were delivered to our local

surgery here in Penn. Members have also

contributed to face visors by sending laminating

pouches and a few headband “ear savers” have

been made to assist mask wearers.

A weekly newsletter sent out via email and

hand delivered to the few who are not online,

has been keeping us all informed of how we are

all coping with this unusual situation. Long

promised books have been read, forgotten

started projects resurrected and numerous

squares knitted to make blankets for Kenya. All

the green fingered members have taken

advantage of the lovely spring to tend their

gardens and daily walks are being made in our

lovely woods and countryside.

Many of us very much appreciate being able

to keep in touch with family and friends across

the world via the internet and meeting the

challenge of getting to grips with the technology

available to us. We are now looking forward to

the time when we can get together again and

enjoy our meetings. We may be lucky and be

able to hold some of our usual summer

activities, walking together and having a garden

party in August as we did last year.


Village Voice June/July 2020

Regular monthly meetings usually take place

in the Village Hall on the second Thursday of

the month (except August) usually 7.45on for

8pm. We welcome visitors if you would like to

give us a try. We also have regular sub groups of

knitting and nattering, book club and chomp

and chattering in local restaurants. All a great

way of making new friendships. We hope that

these will restart in some form or other in the

not too distant future. Lydia Andrews

Penn & Tylers WI 'Together'

As you will see from the above two entries, WIs

have been involved in making Scrubs Bags.

Over 6000 have been made in Buckinghamshire

by WI members. We got our Jam & Jerusalem

image from the 2nd World War when WIs

throughout the country made jam to preserve

fruit both cultivated and wild. Penn & Tylers

Green WI (the forerunner to the above WIs)

made jam and canned fruit in large quantities in

what is now the Parish Rooms. Our WI

performed better than any other in the country

as was rewarded by a visit from the Queen, later

the Queen Mother. So maybe we will at last

replace the image of Jam & Jerusalem with a

new one, although such is the diversity of

members’ talents and interests there will

undoubtedly be complaints if it’s Sewers and

Singers! The modern WI attracts scientists,

company directors, zip wire enthusiasts, nurses,

book lovers, craft workers, hairdressers,

accountants. In fact, you name it, there’s almost

certainly a WI member with that skill

somewhere in England! Hilary Forbes. P&TG Together

Alde House

Alde House, the residential home in Church

Road, Penn, was set up nearly 50 years ago by

the late Geoffrey Perfect together with some

other people from the village. Its charitable

purpose was to provide a home underpinned by

Christian love and care for the older people of

Penn and their families, a principle that

continues today.

Running a care home in today’s environment


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