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remove the Wild Parsnip whose leaves can

cause phytophotodermatitis. The chemical from

the leaves react with sunlight to cause this

condition showing up as blisters and reddening

of the skin. The other task is to remove

Ragwort. If you are willing to help us please

send an email to commonwoodvolunteer@


As I live on the edge of the wood, it allows

me to observe many different types of birds. I

am particularly pleased that I have seen a pair of

Marsh Tits on my feeder at the black sunflower

seeds. It took a while to positively identify it as

it is very similar to the Willow Tit but it was the

‘pitchou-pitchou’ call that sealed it. We have

also seen song thrush, bullfinch, chaffinch,

blackbird and many other songbirds although

the numbers have decreased as they spread out

into their breeding territories. Early one

morning I spent time listening and I was amazed

at the number of woodpeckers hammering out

their territorial messages. We try to manage the

wood so there is there is good understorey to

provide the wildlife and birds with cover. If you

do spot any unusual birds, please let me know.

I had a Facebook exchange with a member of

the Wheeler family, native to Penn and Tylers

Green. He moved away some time ago with his


Village Voice June/July 2020

traction engine and Jonathan’s story will feature

in the next edition of VV. I was intrigued to hear

that he did not know the origin of the name

Zacharias Pit which was named after his

great-great-grandfather who built St Margaret’s

Church. However he was able to give me a

unique piece of information in that they called

the Chalk Track, the Two Eyed Trail on

account of 2 trees at the far end looked like eyes

when viewing from the Rushmore end. He told

me that the track was used by the timber tractors

and had 2 long ruts either side for their wheels

and at the time the wood was private they

always feared meeting the keeper.

We are so lucky to have this woodland

facility on our doorstep. One source of funding

has dried up and we have some remedial works

needed. I will have set up a ‘Go Fund Me ‘ page

to raise some money to repair a path and replace

some posts. The initial target is £700 but the

more we get the more work we can do. If you

would like to help look out for the page or you

can email the P&TG Residents Society at

info@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk to get bank

details addresses etc. Your help is appreciated.

Enjoy the wood! Mike Morley


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