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Cover Photograph: Miles Green


...to the June/July 2020 edition of Village Voice...

Dear VV Readers,

We are delighted to bring you a packed edition

of VV, we hope you enjoy reading it!

In years past, in the June & July edition we

would typically be promoting the many events

and activities that take place in Penn & Tylers

Green over the summer. In 2020, and at the time

of writing, the country has been in lockdown for

many weeks, and only now can we start to

emerge, with caution, and in a very controlled

socially distanced way.

As Editor, there was the briefest of moments

when I wondered whether our clubs, societies

and community organisations would have

anything to report. Having reached out, it turns

out that whilst we may not have been able to do

the things that we usually do, it doesn’t mean

that the community groups in P&TG are

without something to say - far from it!

In this edition, we are delighted to have two

very special contributions, in addition to lots of

articles and photos from our familiar clubs,

organisations, societies and communities. Peter

Brown, journalist and blog writer (www.

pennandtylersgreen.com) has written a Covid

journal, chronicling the evolution and impact of

the lockdown in Penn & Tylers Green (pages

25-27, and 37-39). Earl Howe has written on the

rewards and challenges of managing the Penn

House Estate (pages 29/30)

With the government aiming to get the

country out of lockdown, it may be that we will

be able to resume some of the valued and

familiar activities. Let's hope the Village Show

due to take place on Saturday September 19th

will go ahead. Perhaps this is the year to enter

some of the competition classes?

The Village Care Open Gardens which

usually takes place in June, has set a revised for

Sunday 13th September.


Village Voice June/July 2020

The April / May edition of VV was delivered,

somewhat later than planned, by the Royal

Mail, because of the lockdown, but was

available online at the beginning of April.

Our amazing deliverers have like the rest of

us, been affected by the need to isolate, but most

are back to deliver this edition. If you could

spare some time to deliver VV occasionally, or

regularly - please do contact our Distribution

Manager, Ron Saunders 816237 to have a chat

Thanks to the VV production team for their

hard work at such a challenging time, to our

many contributors, and to our advertisers who

continue to support our magazine. When things

start to return to a ‘new normal’ please do look

to use our local businesses and services.

We welcome contributions to the next edition

of VV, copy deadline for the August/September

edition will be week of 6 July. In the meantime,

stay safe and well Cathy O'Leary, VV Editor


05 Around the Villages

10 Church News

13 Woodland & Green Spaces

17 Schools News

22 Sports News

32 Clubs & Societies

55 Index of Advertisers

56 Village Contacts

In This Issue...

21 Bucks Open Studios

25/37 Lockdown Journal

29 Penn House Estate

30 Cannonades From the


31 COVID: A Student's View

In The Insert

The Village Show

P&TG Together

• Open Gardens


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