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helped with shopping and reimbursement was

not an issue, we used BACS, cash or whatever

worked for the resident, and surprisingly one

road volunteer was asked to witness a will,

having not known the resident until the PTG

Together group was esstablished’. Ian was

delighted that one group of street volunteers set

up their own Whats App group and the long

established Carter Walk group organised a very

successful front lawn VE tea party

Chris Clark Area Coordinator for Coppice

Farm said ‘ it was a bonding time yesterday.

I’ve lived in Tyler’s Green for 36 years but only

3 in Kings Ride, I didn’t really know the

neighbours but yesterday was lovely those

around me all came out at the end of drives with

tables and chairs and we chatted as well as you

can at such distance. One of my neighbours told

me in the 17 years she’s lived here it’s the first

time anything like this has happened!

Just wanted to let you know it’s great

that under the current circumstances

the efforts we’ve made through

P&TG Together has been even more

worthwhile. It’s quite hard to feel a

part of Penn & Tyler’s Green when

you’re not around the main body of

the village which seems to centre

more by the Commons.’

Other areas have had similar

responses, in addition it is often

family, friends and neighbours

supporting those who are unable to



Village Voice June/July 2020

leave their homes. We have heard of

lovely stories of neighbours

providing ‘Sunday lunches’ for

neighbours who are on their own,

and to coordinating road plans to

celebrate VE day, for example in

Southcote Way and The Thicket

In Kingswood Ave many of the

residents ( and I’m sure many other

roads ) join the Thursday Clap for

the NHS and that is another way

everyone is supporting, waving and

acknowledging each other.

Thanks to everyone who has been involved

and we know its going to continue if any

resident needs support no matter how small,

please contact your Area Coordinator

Gill Markham (Area Coordinator for Kingswood Area and

Board member of P&TGRS)


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