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left for a three week holiday in the Philippines

in February returned home to the village after

three months. He had been stranded on a remote

island when coronavirus restrictions hit,

cancelling all flights.

11 May to 17 May

The Government’s slight easing of restrictions

meant that local golf clubs, DIY stores and

garden centres could reopen with suitable social

distancing. Penn & Tylers Green Tennis Club

reopened its courts and enjoyed a flurry of

inquiries for new membership.

No light at the end of the tunnel in the

entertainment world however. Local theatres

cancelled all shows until the end of June,

Reading Festival was cancelled, and the

travelling fair, which had visited Beaconsfield in

mid-May every year since it was granted a

charter by Edward 1 in 1269, didn’t make it this

year. Statistics showed 30 per cent fewer

patients were visiting local GP surgeries.

Applications to borrow books online rose by 60

per cent since the libraries closed. New

guidelines meant people could exercise for

longer than an hour a day, more people ventured

out for longer walks in and around Penn and

Tylers Green. The glorious weather helped.

A second community-wide One Can

collection secured hundreds of contributions

and the now regular Thursday night clapping

extravaganza to applaud key workers attracted

more than ever.

Bucks Council reported that in the first few

days of the lockdown 1,800 residents registered

with the council to volunteer their help in local

communities. 147 council staff were

“repurposed” to help services under pressure.

18 May to 24 May

Parents received letters from local primary

schools telling them of plans for a gradual

return to school for specific year groups after the

half term. The plans involved greatly restricting

class sizes, teaching outside in school grounds

as much as possible and ensuring children did


Village Voice June/July 2020

not share equipment such as stationery.

Trustees at Tylers Green Village Hall said

they would wait until September before

deciding when and how to progress the

proposed Penn & Tylers Green Heritage Centre,

planned for the hall. All hall bookings were

cancelled at least until the end of June.

Local magistrates courts and inquest hearings

resumed but with social distancing restrictions.

The ancient Swan Upping ceremony on the

Thames was cancelled for only the second time

in its 800 year history.

Chiltern Railways increased its rail services

slightly to accommodate extra people travelling

to work and the roads became noticeably busier

compared to recent weeks, but for the majority

the lockdown was maintained. As the glorious

weather continued the village remained eerily

quiet for most of the day and for the Spring

Bank Holiday weekend.

25 May to 31 May

The Government announced an easing of

restrictions in June as the number of confirmed

Coronavirus cases began to fall. Only one new

case was confirmed in the Wycombe/Chiltern

area in the final week of May and no Covid-19

deaths. Medical authorities warned that extreme

caution and alertness was still necessary.

“Non-essential” shops announced plans to

reopen in mid-June and Arriva, the Penn to

High Wycombe bus company, announced an

increase in services, albeit with strong social

distancing measures on board.

The National Trust at Cliveden and

Hughenden Manor announced restricted visiting

via online pre-booking for the first week in June

and were sold out within hours.

Meanwhile, as it was officially announced

that the lockdown had coincided with the

sunniest Spring on record, hundreds of people

continued to enjoy the home pleasures of Penn

and Tylers Green. So many people visited the

common for picnics every day the Parish

Council had to increase litter-bin clearances and

urged people to take their litter home. Peter Brown


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