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Village Voice June/July 2020

The past few months have moved at a very slow

but steady pace. After the initial panic, we all

more or less eased into an eerily relaxed routine

– wake up, banana bread straight into oven,

attempt exercise, fall asleep and start again.

Collectively, I think we can agree that there is

only so much banana bread one can make

before the reality of the situation finally hits; we

need to get back on track...

I am set to graduate at 20 years old, in

November. Currently studying Marketing and

Communications, I am at the final sprint of my

course, in a more unusual way than I had

initially planned. Weekly lectures have been

replaced with video web calls, and whilst this

has been a relatively seamless transition, it has

been made increasingly difficult to contact

tutors I would usually be able to access by

walking down a corridor. It is important to put

this into perspective; each lecturer has their own

families and personal hurdles during the

pandemic. Remaining tenacious and proactive

in situations out of our control is my best tip for

young learners – perhaps trying a new craft or

hobby to immerse yourself in when workloads

may feel stressful.

I am sure we all have household or distant

family members that are facing some sort of

challenges, whether they be personal or business

related. Hundreds of us with key workers in our

families, continuing to work hard every day

despite the risks they may face. Whilst my mum

may not be a key worker, she has indeed faced

her own problems as an independent small

business. Falling into the government’s ‘grey

area’, her business has faced constant

uncertainty as to whether or not they will stay

afloat amidst the pandemic. However, she has

not let this get the better of her, taking it upon

herself to produce scrubs in the spare time she


has for the hard-working NHS staff. There are

now numerous hard working ladies in and

around the village who are working completely

voluntarily to produce these scrubs, often taking

time out of their usual activities to ensure these

are complete. I admire the selflessness of these

people, and am sure we can all agree that

although we may see lots of doom and gloom

on our screens every day, there are certainly

plenty of positive and hopeful stories amongst

our community. Perhaps we can take a moment

every day to think of the good that’s happening

in the world – whether the achievements are big

or small, they are nonetheless a symbol of unity

in our period of isolation. Niamh Herron

Pink Moon

Photos by Ian Petrie of

a recent


where the moon

appears a pink

hue after the

Spring equinox.

Photgrpahed April

7th, just after the

start of lockdown.


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