VV_June July Web 20-compressed

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Continued from p.27 Dominic Raab, brought up in

Gerrards Cross, took his place.

Local cemeteries and St Margaret’s

churchyard were closed. The fire brigade dealt

with more out-of-control bonfires as people

burned garden rubbish, and dairy farms in the

area poured away hundreds of gallons of milk

because of the drop in demand following the

closure of coffee shops, restaurants and cafes.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases

jumped by 40 per cent in Buckinghamshire over

Easter week but the number of total confirmed

cases and deaths was well below those in

neighbouring counties.

13 April to 19 April

The Penn Street gin distillery Griffiths Brothers

converted its production line to make hand

sanitiser which it distributed to local GP

surgeries. The Sir William Ramsay School and

Holmer Green Senior School produced over

200 visors with their 3D machines for

Wycombe Hospital.

The Red Lion in Penn began a “call and

collect” service from a limited menu on

Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Customers

collected from the door and paid by contactless

card. JJ’s began similar morning service with

hot drinks, sandwiches and bread. The Old

Queen’s Head, The Crown, and the Horse and

Jockey remain closed, with staff furloughed.

Bucks Council introduced instant fines as

flytipping became increasingly prevalent and

charity food bank boxes began appearing in the

village streets to help the increasing number of

people in the Wycombe area unable to feed

themselves. Hazlemere Community Centre

appealed for funds because with bills to pay and

no income it feared for its future.

The former Old Cottage Bookshop in Elm

Road put the remaining books from its stock

outside for people to take, with a donation to

NHS charities. By the end of May it raised

£950. Our local MPs failed in an attempt to

persuade the Government to stop contractors

working on the HS2 high speed rail sites while


Village Voice June/July 2020

the pandemic raged.

The glorious weather continued: in the

Gomm Valley the birdsong was said to be

louder and more varied than ever. At Puttenham

Farm the skylarks also seemed more plentiful

and noisier than previous years.

20 April to 26 April

The start of the summer term, but under very

different circumstances. At TG Middle School

teachers attended on a rota basis to teach

children of key workers, all safely distanced.

The vast majority of pupils were working from

home and the class teachers made a video for

their pupils to view via the school website.

The health authorities launched a campaign to

help people with mental health problems caused

by the lockdown. They also urged people not to

stop attending GP surgeries with noncoronavirus

symptoms after figures showed

numbers were down by 30 per cent. Local bus

drivers were instructed not to give change to

passengers who insisted paying by cash instead

of contactless.

Jack Peck, a 21 year old university student

from Elm Road, Penn ran seven marathons in

seven days to raise more than £10,000 for NHS

charities. After he and a friend in Berkshire

completed the feat he said:”It’s been a hell of a

week…but if you’d asked me every morning

whether I’d rather be a nurse in a Covid-19

hospital or running a marathon, I’d pick the

marathon hands down.”

The Bucks Free Press put a paywall on its

website because it, and other newspapers, had

suffered a dramatic collapse in advertising

revenue. Wycombe Sound community radio

station launched a £3,000 appeal to stay on the

air because of a similar advertising drop.

St Margaret’s churchyard, maintained by the

parish council, and the Cock Lane cemetery

reopened after the Government had a change of

heart about closing cemeteries. There was much

criticism that people were unable to tend the

graves of their loved ones.

At Windsor Castle it was announced that


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