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Village Voice June/July 2020



“Often it takes a crisis to make people

focus on what and who really matters to

them; and the answer seems to be,

encouragingly, that what matters is people

– relationships, a steady background of

affection and trust, the ability to nourish

love and friendship by shared activities

and shared enjoyment.”

Like me, I am sure many will feel that these

recent words from Dr Rowan Williams, the

former Archbishop of Canterbury, capture the

positive aspect of the confined way of life we

are all leading during the current Covid


However, I am surely not alone, either, in

being immensely thankful for the open spaces

we have around us in Penn and Tylers Green,

which make that confinement so much more

bearable. Throughout my time as the custodian

of the Penn House Estate, I have been keen to

ensure that it remains not only accessible to

local residents but also somewhere that we can


genuinely call ‘special’; that is to say, a

landscape that advertises the characteristic

features of the southern Chilterns to their best

advantage. My wife and I walk the local

footpaths across the estate for at least an hour

each day, and it has been wonderful to see how

many people from our community are doing the

same thing, albeit respecting the disciplines of

social distancing.

Maintaining and enhancing a

landscape as lovely as this one is

rewarding, but it is a far-fromstraightforward

task. Almost all

landscapes in this country are

the product of human effort, and

their conservation is, by the

same token, a constant yearround

mission. On the Penn

House Estate this depends,

chiefly, on two enterprises:

arable farming and woodland

management. In a good year –

that is to say, when the weather

is reasonably favourable – we

manage satisfactorily to grow a


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