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Travel Wish List


“The beauty of a staycation is that not only are

you adhering to social distancing but you’re also

supporting local travel spots and businesses. It requires

minimal travel but it can be just as rewarding.”

Afew years ago the term “healing”

became a popular catchword

for different ways to de-stress,

whether through a travel destination, a

spa session, or a simple activity such as

hiking or meditation. All over the world,

“staycation,” or “holistay,” a portmanteau of

the words “stay” and “vacation” or “holiday”

and “stay” are widely known as indulging

in relaxing leisure activities without

traveling abroad or going outdoors. In

the wake of the pandemic, healing and

staycation have become more desirable

and appealing to people who want to get

away without jetting off on an airplane to

somewhere far away and putting oneself

and others at risk.

A weekend staycation can be a way

to experience an easy, affordable and

hassle-free holiday, while experiencing

the “feeling of traveling” without

actually having to. Even after Korea

has started loosening social distancing

measures, some people prefer to ease

into traveling while avoiding crowds

and tourist destinations. In Jeollabuk-do,

Buan is famous for its resorts and hotels

that highlight the county’s beautiful

landscape and seaside views. It’s a

dynamic place that offers a variety of

activities and places the whole family

can enjoy while on staycation.


Buan is bounded by vast seas, with most

of its area transformed into reclaimed

lands. One of its most bountiful natural

resources is seafood, which includes

fresh, salted and dried varieties. These

are mostly products

caught from the

Byeonsan Peninsula

coast. At the Buan

Public Fish Market,

you can buy and

sample seafood

and seashells that

are the pride of

Buan’s hardworking

fishermen. Before your staycation, it’s

best to drop by this market to stock up

on seafood you can cook or grill indoors.


Barahan Hotel and Spa sits on top of

a small hill that overlooks the Buan

seas. In the morning, the sun gleams

on the water, creating a captivating

mix of green and blue colors, while in

the late afternoon, the sunset gives the

environment a warm, pink and orange

glow. This is why the hotel describes itself

as a place “complete with the romantic

sea, freedom, and exciting views.” All

rooms in the hotel are equipped with a

jacuzzi, loft-type bedrooms, a functional

kitchen, and wide glass windows that let

in the natural light. Guests also have the

option of reserving a table and grill at

the barbecue area, where they can enjoy

freshly cooked meat, seafood, and drinks.

The beauty of staycation is that not only

are you adhering to social distancing but

you’re also supporting local travel spots

and businesses. It requires minimal

travel but it can be just as rewarding. A

staycation just might be the best option

to unwind and reset.

안락한 여행 (번역: 김진희)

주말에 집이나 집에서 가까운

관광지에서 보내는 휴가는 실제

여행하지 않아도 쉽고, 적절한 가격에,

평안한 휴일과 같게 "여행의 느낌"

을 걍함하는 방법이 될 수 있습니다.

한국이 ‘사회적 거리 두기’ 정책을

완화함에 따라, 일부 사람들은 사람들이

붐비는 곳과 관광지를 피하면서

여행하는 것을 선호합니다. 전라북도

부안군은 아름다운 경치와 해안 경관을

자랑하는 리조트와 호텔로 유명합니다.

가족들이 그곳에 머무르는 동안 즐길 수

있는 다양한 활동과 장소를 제공하는

역동적인 곳입니다. 부안에서 머무르는

동안 잊을 수 없는 추억을 쌓고 싶다면

부안 수산물 시장에 가서 부안의 자랑인

해산물과 건어물을 맛보세요. 그리고,

바다의 아름다운 경치를 즐길 수 있고,

몸과 마음을 편안하게 쉴 수 있는 변산

바라한 펜션에서 하룻밤을 보내십시오.

安 乐 的 旅 行 ( 翻 译 : 왕연홍)

周 末 住 宿 是 实 际 不 去 旅 行 , 也 可 以 轻

松 的 体 验 “ 旅 游 感 受 ”, 又 简 单 , 价 格

也 合 适 , 不 需 要 体 验 复 杂 的 假 日 的 方

法 。 韩 国 现 在 实 行 保 持 距 离 的 社 会 趋

势 , 有 一 部 分 人 选 择 避 开 人 多 的 旅 游

景 点 而 去 旅 行 。 全 罗 北 道 扶 安 郡 以 美

丽 的 景 色 和 炫 耀 海 岸 景 观 为 有 名 的

度 假 村 和 酒 店 。 与 家 人 停 留 期 间 可 以

享 受 各 种 活 动 和 场 所 的 充 满 活 力 的

地 方 。 如 果 在 扶 安 旅 行 期 间 想 留 下 美

好 的 回 忆 , 请 到 扶 安 水 产 市 场 去 品 尝

扶 安 引 以 为 荣 的 海 鲜 和 干 鱼 。 还 有 ,

可 以 欣 赏 大 海 的 美 景 , 放 松 身 心 可

以 好 好 休 息 的 边 山 'Barahan’ 别 墅

住 一 晚 。


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