Christopher Purves bass - Chandos

Christopher Purves bass - Chandos

Christopher Purves bass - Chandos


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CHAN 3121 BOOK.qxd 12/9/06 4:19 pm Page 124<br />

8<br />

taken with ‘Prince’ that she showed him your<br />

portrait and commanded him to rescue you, and<br />

he fell in love with you on the spot and here we<br />

are!<br />

Pamina<br />

But… what if you are an evil spirit sent by<br />

Sarastro?<br />

Papageno<br />

Me? Me, an evil spirit? Oh, no, no, no. I’ll have<br />

you know that I’m as nice a spirit as you’ll ever<br />

want to meet. And by the way what good does it<br />

do me since I haven’t even found a Papagena yet.<br />

It makes me want to pluck all me feathers out.<br />

Pamina<br />

Don’t you worry, heaven will provide.<br />

Papageno<br />

Well, I wish it would hurry up!<br />

No. 7 Duet<br />

Pamina<br />

A man in search of truth and beauty<br />

will find the love his heart desires.<br />

Papageno<br />

And so it is a woman’s duty<br />

to fan the flame which she inspires.<br />

Pamina and Papageno<br />

We must obey love’s holy law,<br />

living as one for evermore.<br />

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9<br />

Pamina<br />

For love possesses powers of healing;<br />

it soothes all pain, it cures all ill.<br />

Papageno<br />

Let no day pass without our feeling<br />

its force, its universal will.<br />

Pamina and Papageno<br />

Love shows the way to lead our life,<br />

living as one as man and wife.<br />

Man and wife and wife and man.<br />

Man and wife when joined in love,<br />

lift their life to heav’n above.<br />

(The scene changes to a grove. At the back of the<br />

stage is a beautiful temple, upon which are<br />

inscribed these words: ‘Temple of Wisdom’; this<br />

temple leads via pillars to two other temples, the<br />

one on the right bearing the inscription ‘Temple of<br />

reason, and the one on the left ‘Temple of Nature’.)<br />

(Tamino is led in by three boys, each carrying a<br />

silver palm frond.)<br />

No. 8 Finale<br />

Three Boys<br />

If you can strive to be a man<br />

you’ll soon accomplish your ambition.<br />

Pursue your quest as best you can<br />

with honour, valour and submission!<br />

Tamino<br />

But my Pamina waits for me;<br />

is it my fate to set her free?<br />

10<br />

Three Boys<br />

Obey our laws, pursue your cause<br />

with honour, valour and submission.<br />

Be on your way, heed what we say;<br />

love and success will bless your mission.<br />

Recitative<br />

Tamino<br />

These words of wisdom reassure me;<br />

but say, what dangers lie before me?<br />

Where am I now? What do I see?<br />

What sort of fortress can this be?<br />

A palace of wisdom, a temple of science<br />

with knowledge and beauty in holy alliance.<br />

When learning is sacred, when diligence thrives<br />

we banish all hatred and fear from our lives.<br />

I’ve right on my side, I have nothing to fear,<br />

my purpose is noble, my conscience is clear.<br />

I’ve sworn to fight the infidel!<br />

Pamina calls me, Pamina calls me,<br />

I must go.<br />

(He goes to the door on the right and opens it; as he<br />

is about to enter, a distant voice is heard.)<br />

A Voice<br />

Go back!<br />

Tamino<br />

Go back? Go back? I’ll try another door.<br />

(He goes to the door on the left.)<br />

A Voice<br />

Go back!<br />

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11<br />

Tamino<br />

They call to me once more!<br />

(He looks around.)<br />

I must ignore what they say.<br />

Perhaps this door will show the way.<br />

(He knocks. An old priest appears.)<br />

Speaker<br />

What rash adventure brings you here<br />

to dare profane our sanctuary?<br />

Tamino<br />

I come in search of love and truth.<br />

Speaker<br />

High-sounding words for such a youth!<br />

And yet these virtues do not guide you<br />

for it is obvious to see:<br />

revenge and hatred burn inside you.<br />

Tamino<br />

Yes, hatred of iniquity.<br />

Speaker<br />

You will not wound us with your slander.<br />

Tamino<br />

Is not Sarastro your commander?<br />

Speaker<br />

Indeed, Sarastro is our lord.<br />

Tamino<br />

Not in the temple of the wise?<br />

Speaker<br />

He rules the temple of the wise.

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