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8.3.5 Data flows<br />

requires more than one search and retrieval to map the token (cookie) name or<br />

identifier to the DN to be used for access purposes. If we use the same records<br />

shown in Example 8-2 on page 323, but we do not have the “notesname”<br />

attribute in the LDAP record, notice that we have an “empid” attribute that<br />

correlates to part of the “employeeid” in the Domino Directory. For this case, we<br />

will assume that a custom DSAPI filter is being used to perform the name<br />

mapping in Domino. So if our custom session cookie architecture provides us<br />

with the LDAP “empid=10543,” Domino would first need to retrieve the DN for the<br />

user, so it searches the LDAP directory for “empid=10543” and finds<br />

“cn=Brendan C Hinkle, ou=West, o=Acme, dc=acme, dc=com.”<br />

It needs to retrieve the DN because Domino needs to verify that the DN of the<br />

pre-authenticated user matches the naming context rule defined in DA for the<br />

LDAP directory. So now our DSAPI filter knows the user credentials are valid, but<br />

it still needs to map the cookie identifier, the “empid,” to a Notes hierarchical<br />

name. So next our DSAPI filter would need to find a Domino directory entry for<br />

empid=10543. Since the format of the “employeeid” attribute in Domino is the<br />

employee ID number that has been prefixed with the user’s initials, our search in<br />

the Domino directory needs to be transformed to the “new” format, searched for,<br />

then once found, we could pass the user’s name in the form of “CN=Brendan<br />

Hinkle/OU=Finance/O=Acme.” So we needed two directory lookups to determine<br />

the mapped name to use for access control purposes.<br />

If this example was hard to follow, you now know why we recommend against<br />

any session cookie scheme that involves indirect name mapping!<br />

Data flows are the threads of the communications between directories and their<br />

content. Data flows are usually drawn as arrows which point in the direction of<br />

data movement, from source directory to target directory.<br />

Each data flow represents a unique message being passed from one set of data<br />

sources to another. This ties back to the earlier concept of authoritative sources<br />

being defined in terms of attributes. So rather than assume all the attributes of<br />

one directory are fed into another directory, only the authoritative attributes are<br />

taken from the source, and the same source data may be applied to multiple<br />

target directories.<br />

One exception to assignment of a data flow is user passwords. We discussed the<br />

security concerns and issues with being able to extract user passwords and write<br />

them to other target directories in “Password synchronization” on page 284.<br />

Chapter 8. Directory strategies 325

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