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O TTO M ARINE L IMITED - Microsoft Internet Explorer - SGX

O TTO M ARINE L IMITED - Microsoft Internet Explorer - SGX


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interests, whether direct or indirect, in relation to the transaction (the “Relevant Approving<br />

Authority”). Guidelines for the Relevant Approving Authority are as follows:<br />

Approval Limits Relevant Approving Authority<br />

Transactions not exceeding S$250,000 .... AnytwoDirectors and the CFO<br />

Transactions above S$250,000 .......... AnytwoAudit Committee members, one of whom<br />

must be the Chairman of the Audit Committee<br />

As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Group Managing Director Lee Kok Wah, the Non-executive<br />

Director Craig Foster Pickett and the Audit Committee members namely Reggie Thein, William Edward<br />

Alastair Morrison and Ng Chee Keong, are not related to Rimalco. Reggie Thein is the Chairman of the<br />

Audit Committee.<br />

3.4 Other Review Procedures<br />

The Group has also implemented the following procedures for the identification of Interested<br />

Persons and the recording of all interested person transactions:<br />

(i) the CFO will maintain a register of all transactions carried out with the Interested Persons (and<br />

the basis, including the quotations obtained to support such basis, on which these transactions<br />

are entered into), whether mandated or non-mandated;<br />

(ii) on a quarterly basis, the CFO will submit a report to the Audit Committee of all recorded<br />

interested person transactions, and the basis of such transactions, entered into by the Group;<br />

(iii) the Company’s internal auditor shall review, on a quarterly basis, all Mandated Transactions<br />

entered into pursuant to the Shareholders’ Mandate to ensure that the relevant approvals have<br />

been obtained and the review procedures in respect of such transactions had been adhered to.<br />

The internal auditor shall report directly to the Audit Committee; and<br />

(iv) the Audit Committee shall review from time to time such internal controls and review<br />

procedures for interested person transactions to determine if they are adequate and/or<br />

commercially practicable in ensuring that the transactions between the Group and the<br />

Interested Persons are conducted on normal commercial terms and not prejudicial to the<br />

interests of the Company or minority Shareholders. In conjunction with such review, the Audit<br />

Committee will also ascertain whether the established review procedures have been complied<br />

with. Further, if during these periodic reviews by the Audit Committee, the Audit Committee<br />

is of the view that the internal controls and review procedures for interested person transactions<br />

are inappropriate or not sufficient to ensure that the interested person transactions will be on<br />

normal commercial terms and not prejudicial to the interests of the Company and minority<br />

Shareholders, the Audit Committee will (pursuant to Rule 920(1)(b)(iv) and (vii) of the Listing<br />

Manual) revert to Shareholders for a fresh Shareholders’ Mandate based on new internal<br />

controls and review procedures for transactions with the Interested Persons. All Mandated<br />

Transactions shall be reviewed and approved by the Audit Committee prior to entry while a<br />

fresh mandate is being sought from Shareholders.<br />

For the purposes of the above review of the internal controls and review procedures, any of the<br />

Directors or members of the Audit Committee who are not considered independent, will abstain from<br />

participating in the Audit Committee’s review of the internal controls and review procedures.<br />

The Board and the Audit Committee will have overall responsibility for determining the review<br />

procedures, with the authority to delegate this responsibility to individuals or committees within the<br />

Group as they deem appropriate.<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

In arriving at our opinion on whether the guidelines and review procedures for determining the<br />

transaction prices and terms of the Mandated Transactions for purposes of the Shareholders’ Mandate, as<br />

set out in the section “Interested Person Transactions and Conflicts of Interest” of the Prospectus, are<br />

sufficient to ensure that the Mandated Transactions will be carried out on normal commercial terms and<br />


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