TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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Michael Charles Wunsch

The following is from Alex Roland. Alex was an

USNA '66 Classmate and TBS 2‐67 Platoon mate of

Mike Wunsch

"All of us who knew Michael Wunsch struggle, I

think, to understand how it was that he made such

an indelible impression on us. Even half a century

after we lost him, he still comes clearly to mind,

rare and irreplaceable. Most of us experienced

something of his unusual blend of warmth and

resolve. He was a born leader, successful because

people were drawn to him, conident of his

judgment. But the success of his short life lowed

from more than just leadership. The qualities that

made such a lasting impression on me were of two


First, he harbored wide‐ranging interests and

talents. He was an artist, a poet, an athlete, a

philosopher, and a scholar. He marveled at the

human predicament and longed to understand it

—and to understand himself. He genuinely enjoyed

people and believed that he could learn from them.

But people were never just sources of knowledge for

him. They were ends in themselves. He could be

demanding of his subordinates and harsh when

they disappointed, but he treated their failures not

as defect but as mistakes. Always trying to improve

himself, he hoped to do the same for those in his


Second, Michael cultivated in himself, and by

example others, human and humane qualities that

inspired trust and admiration, the real source of his

leadership abilities. He had, irst of all, honesty and

authenticity, twin pillars of trustworthiness. In

personal relationships, he was sensitive and

empathetic, constantly trying to see the world as

others saw it. But he was also resolute and

charismatic, in large part because he was

thoughtful and decisive in his judgments and true

to his convictions.

He was an easy man to love and follow,

impossible to forget. I miss him still, and I mourn

for the lost years, taken from him and us, so full of

promise and potential."

Best, Alex

Diane and Mike


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