TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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during my time in-country. We would either have a

pre-planned mission or emergency scramble mission.

In the former we launched from Chu Lai as a two plane

flight with planned overhead arrival time at a specific

location, checked in by radio with the FAC who would

then direct our attacks. At other times it was an

emergency “scramble mission” and the 2-plane team

would jump in their jets and get airborne as fast as

possible. Other times, like when trouble was expected,

the 2-man teams would be sitting in their jets with

radios on listening to a specific channel and they

would get the call to launch now and check-in with a

FAC at a specific geographic location and altitude ready

to go right into the fight.

There was a particular mission I flew that had a

profound impact on my life. Well, to be truthful, the

entire span of my participation as a warrior from the

skies made a huge impact, on who I am, what I believe

in, and my relationship with God. This particular

mission resulted in a deeper relationship with God. We

were called out on a scramble mission south of Chu Lai

near Pleiku. Upon switching frequency to the Forward

Air Controller and checking in he gave us a hurry-up

brief. We had him in sight as we orbited the target area

orienting ourselves with the terrain and friendly troop

positions. We were told that a VC unit had holed itself

up in a Church, which turned out to be a Catholic

Church. (Many Vietnamese were Roman Catholic

oriented due to the French occupation of their country

prior to WW II.) Our target assignment was the

Church…. (Short pause for thoughts)….Well, okay, this

is war and our job is to kill the enemy. And the enemy

are in the Church. The FAC confirmed it, "put two 500

Second Platoon

pounders on the Church, make your run from south to

north on a heading of 020, you are clear to release on

my call." As flight leader I repeated the directions of

the FAC and called target in sight, lead in Hot. Rolling

out on the heading and setting the 10 degree dive

angle I put the bombsight reticle on a path to the

target, switched on the Master arming switch and wing

stations 2 and 4 (where the bombs were hanging) and

began tracking to the target.

As I approached the release altitude of 500 feet I

made a slight correction for wind drift and dive angle

and hit the release button on the control stick. Feeling

the two 500 pounders jettisoned from the wings as I

went through 500 feet I pulled back hard on the control

stick and away from the ground and pushed full

throttle. The Skyhawk nosed up to about 30 degrees

and climbing and I made a hard left turn for the

downwind leg of the attack pattern. As I began the

pullout the FAC came on the radio and was screaming

“those are perfect lead perfect, perfect” then abruptly

stopped, and a noticeable pause, then “right into the

church!, right into the church!”…then another

pause…."but they didn’t blow”. DRATS! I thought. Then

it suddenly hit me. I based the release on altitude

above ground level and the Church building (roof) was

about 40 or 50 feet above ground level. So, it was my

opinion that the bombs hit the roof before the

detonator mechanisms finished arming the bombs and

that caused them to not detonate.

God was looking out for his Church. Toby had a

serious learning experience, and it’s had a very

profound effect on the rest of my life. The remainder of

that flight we dropped ordnance on additional enemy


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