TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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Que Son


You may not be interested in war, but war is

interested in you.

Leon Trotsky

War unexpectedly found Foxtrot Company of the 2 nd

Battalion, 1 st Marines on 21 April 1967. Oh, the Marines

were looking for a fight, though not the sort they got. The

2 nd NVA Division did expect a fight. It was what they came

for. What the Marines gave back, however, wasn’t at all

what the NVA expected, either. Sometimes you get the

bear; sometimes the bear gets you.

Still, there was nothing about the Que Son Valley,

stuck out west of Hoi An near the mountains, that suggested

that Hanoi should think it to be an ideal spot to squirrel

away one of their best divisions. There was nothing of its

geography that suggested dominate terrain in the same way

that Khe Sanh and Con Tien did. Yet quietly, carefully, the

NVA had slipped in from the mountains and entrenched.

So why?

Because they could. While they could never walk

down Highway 1, they could walk around Khe Sanh and

then down the Ashau Valley. That easily? Well, several

lieutenants from company C were sent out there to slow

down the traffic, and the NVA blew past them like

bridesmaids heading for a tossed bouquet, so yes. From

the bottom of the valley NVA had only to hop­scotch over

some openings in the Annamite range in order to get in

toward the back door to DaNang and Hoi An. Handier yet,

they could ease back into the mountains at will, distance

themselves from the 1stMarDiv and refit, as needed.

Mission, enemy, and terrain are the usual suspects

for dictating how battles unfold. Usually, but not always.

Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia needed shoes on his swing

through Pennsylvania, so a fateful detour took him to

Gettysburg. What sent the 2 nd NVA Division to Que Son?

Whatever purpose they may have once had came to be as

opaque in the following years as why the Hatfields hated the

McCoys. Anyone who returned to Quang Nam Province in

1970 after having been there in ‘67 would have found the

only things to have changed were the commander’s name on

unit signs. And sometimes, not even that. (e.g.,P.X. Kelley:

CO, 2/4 & 1 st Marines)

When John Hobbes famously characterized life in his

day as nasty, brutish, and short we’d be forgiven in thinking

he’d gotten med­evac’ed out of the Que Sons. It was that

sort of place. The question, in looking back, is what made

that region of Quang Nam Province so different? It was, to

borrow the term, a place of Ten-Thousand Pains. Death and

misery pursued you relentlessly. Why there? The usual

suspects are human design and natural geography. As to

Giap’s design, it would make sense if the major tactical

initiatives were to have followed Vietnamese history, north

to south. Would it not be wise, then, to deny your opponent

a secure rear area and harbor from which to defend against

Hanoi’s push south? Obviously so. Giap need not actually

attack the city, but he must constantly threaten it. To that

end Giap committed the 2 nd NVA division and assorted VC

main­force units with a smattering of VC strap­hangers.

There was a secondary advantage to his strategy: bleeding

Marines. The propaganda value of steady U.S. casualties

was always of value to Hanoi. The terrain in western Quang


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