TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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Leatherneck Square

problem was less acute than Piroth’s, it still made a dog’s

breakfast out of Leatherneck Square.


More than just the 26 th Marines came down the mountains

towards the coast. Missionaries, Montagnards, and French

coffee planters at Khe Sanh bolted, but only the

Frenchmen had hotel rooms in Laos. The rest poured into

Leatherneck Square.

Marine convoys heading out Route 9 to Camp Carroll

or the Rockpile routinely had to pull over and wait for

artillery barrages to sweep past, like rain squalls peppering

in from the Gulf. Not so the Montagnards. Once aimed

downhill toward the sea they kept on trotting, baskets

swinging under shoulder poles. If running through artillery

with all your stuff ever makes it to the Olympics as an

event, look for Bru or Nung women to medal.

The Marines who were pulled over to the edge of the

road in a five ton watched the women skitter down the

road. Late morning was hot already so the 6x6 presented

the only spot of shade the women were going to find. The

young Marines weren’t, then, surprised when a small

gaggle of of them stopped, and while clucking furiously

spread a few blankets down in the shade. Surprise slowly

dawned as the women began to field‐strip a young woman.

Eyes bulged. Some sort of tribal ritual? No, but one as yet

unfamiliar to young Marines, who were soon barfing over

the far side of the 6x6. She was having a baby.

Took her five minutes, tops. No yelling, either. As

splendid as was her fortitude, her determination was a

thing of legends. The old crones cleaned the baby (more

barfing), wrapped it in some rags, crisscrossed some long

ones around the girl that held the baby to her chest, and…

stood her up. She was good to go! The Marines cheered

her fading silhouette as she ran on down the road clutching

her baby.

Welcome to Leatherneck Square, kid.


After the 8 May attacks on Con Tien and Recon’s missadventures

in the DMZ, things got moving. The scheme was

straightforward enough, but the naming left no one certain

as to who was on second. First, the 3 rd Division kicked off

operation Hickory with a grab­bag of battalions (some stolen

from Khe Sanh). Alongside them to the east were two ARVN

infantry battalions and three of their airborne. They were

magically on operation Lam Son 54, not Hickory. To both

was added the SLF, who preferred an appellation

more...exotic? Beau Charger it would be.


While Lam Son 54 was enjoying some success, the Beau

Charger part of the operation was not. Right from the

outset, the Marines were in trouble. Lt.Col. Edward Kirby’s

HMM‐263 (Helicopter Marine Medium) ran into a vicious

crossfire as his UH‐34 Sea Horse helicopters tried to land

the lead assault group from Company A, 1st Battalion, 3rd



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