TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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One of the most memorable trips involved somehow

fitting Pete, his Dad, and Hien into a fastback Corvette…

no small feat for sure. Hien volunteered against (Mr.

Oatis’ wishes) to scrunch into the small back area;

however, it was pretty humorous and became a great

family story when Pete’s Dad somehow managed to

scrunch there for the return trip. This was a great

laugh for Pete and Hien for a long time, especially the

effort to help remove Mr. Oatis from the rear of the

car. Another humorous development was when Hien

was helping Pete learn some basic Vietnamese

language…(he gave Pete a Vietnamese-English

dictionary that Pete has to this day, as a treasured

memento of his friend)….I guess he could not resist

teaching Pete certain phrases, that when Pete practiced

by delivering his carefully practiced pronunciations to

the other Vietnamese Marines resulted not so much in

an understanding, but in surprise and uproarious

laughter, as the learned phrase was something totally

different than what it was supposed to be. (for

instance, instead of Pete saying something like, “good

morning, gentlemen…I hope you are having a nice

day”, it came out as “you people look like a bunch of

crazy monkeys”. Even in the worst of times, Hien

retained his sense of humor; and his smile and laughter

over the smallest things, good and not-so-good, were a

source of joy and inspiration for many of us.

Thanks to the capabilities of the Internet, we were able

locate four of our original ten classmates, and “reunite”

with several of our lost brothers. Hien was one of the

first of our ten VNMC classmates that we were able to

track down during the work up to our TBS 2-67

Reunion in May of 2019, and it was through eventual

contact with his VNMC brothers living in the US that

we learned that he had passed away in 2008 . Following

the fall of Saigon and the aftermath of the war, these

former officers were targeted by the Communist

regime and all, including Hien, spent many years in

brutal “re-education” camps before being allowed to

leave their home country under the “Orderly

Departure Program”.

Kenny Moore Remembers:

Third Platoon

"Like so many of us 'green behind the ears' we had a

lot to learn...I found the nearest RVN Marine to me at

TBS was Hien, who lived across the hall from me in

the BOQ. We worked out occasionally with Hien (&

with Pete Oatis almost every day after our training

ended). Hien was a major exception, tough as an old

oak board, never stopped, and although he only had

sight in one eye, he was a great inspiration to me

personally and a fount of knowledge on the tactics or

real combat. My life was enriched by his friendship.

Pete and Hien made a great team! I will miss not

having the opportunity to reacquaint with him at the


...On the way to RVN, I received a photo from

Hien....he had accomplished one of his life dreams.

He was driving a new Vespa, with his whole family

behind him wife and kids standing and sitting all over

the Vespa. Hien had a grin bigger than a watermelon

on his face!"


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