TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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Con Tien


Word around town, as Plato tells it, was that whenever

someone would ask the Oracles of Delphi who the smartest

man in town was, the Oracle would say it was Socrates. This

came as a real surprise to him, since for years he’d been

telling anyone who’d listen that he didn’t know much at all.

So he duly climbed up Mt. Parnassus to ask them what was

going on.

“Ladies,” he asks, “why me? I know for certain that

there is much I don’t know.”

“Sure,” says the high priestess, “but you are the only

guy in town who knows it, so you win the prize.”


In the Asian regionals for Know­it­Alls Saigon placed first. It

was presumed, apparently, that there was an intrinsic

correlation between starch, jump­boot polish, and smarts.

So having cornered the market on the first two, they were so

assured of the third that they’d bet your life on it. Worse,

they could take any set of facts or evidence and bend them to

fit with their conclusions. Arguably, army general William

DePuy put the cherry on Saigon’s cupcake with a single

sentence: What we need is more bombs, more artillery

rounds and more napalm. That he couldn’t point to where

he wanted it all to go seemed escape his notice.

Early spring of ‘67 up along DMZ was a time of

transition. A layer of conventional warfare was slowly lain

over the unconventional one. One didn’t replace another,

instead, another was added. Nothing was abandoned.

Marine commanders still had to contend with Viet Cong

forces, only now NVA regiments had appeared. They

claimed a spot on the dance card starting up on 861 and 881.

Their appearance – open and obvious – nevertheless didn’t

alter the discordant notes played by the dance band: Walt

and Westy argued on.

When the NVA regiments finally slipped off the

backside of 881, the jungles were quiet except for the sounds

of burial parties and Marine engineers, who figured to stay.

Hanoi could, however, push forward as well as pull back.

Two NVA divisions suddenly loomed up across the DMZ

from the most northern position in I­Corps, Con Tien (Hill

of Angels). Despite the fact that Hanoi had committed a

few of its best regiments in an effort to wrest the high

ground from Marines at Khe Sanh, Saigon was loath to think

they’d do it twice. They managed to reconcile the reality of

two NVA divisions appearing across the Ben Hai river by

declaring them to be an empty diversion. Since hills aren’t

mountains, Con Tien wasn’t Khe Sanh. Thus a conventional

attack across the DMZ was, in their view, unthinkable.

Had anyone asked: what exactly does Ho Chi Minh

want? A longer look at that question may have persuaded

commanders to assume nothing and deal with capabilities.

Even if General DePuy didn’t know where to aim all the

ordinance he called for, Giap did: the Hill of Angels.

That something can’t come from nowhere is about as

obvious as a thing gets. For Delta 2/4 it was real obvious

where things were coming from: ten feet out from the wire

and on back. Had DePuy bombed, napalmed, or shelled

anywhere between Con Tien and the DMZ – in it, or north

of it – odds of a secondary were good. The rest of the odds

weren’t so good. By May Delta Company was getting 300 or

so rounds daily of 82 mm mortars, 122 mm rockets, and 152

arty, a lot of that coming from inside the DMZ. Every pfc

in Delta Company knew it. Only Washington didn’t – or was


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