TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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Second Platoon

drug him out and tried CPR. After 10 minutes (her

words) she got no pulse so she picked him up and

carried him a distance to the nearest house.

The transplanted former Lebanese drove them to the

hospital where they got his vitals going again and then

transported him downtown St. Paul to the preferred

hospital for drowning victims. There Josh lay for 12

days with tubes in and out and respirator on and an

intracranial sensor installed in his forehead to signal

brain swelling if it does. He came out of it and he grew

up to now age 38. But his brain (frontal lobe) is

damaged. He can work, but simple jobs. Autoshop

cleaner, Lumber yard board mover, etc. He, and his

brother, Chip, both live up here in Wisconsin but not

with me. They did the first 2 years, 2009, 2010. Now

Chip is married to a local. Josh resides in a small group

home 10 minutes from my farm. Ginger and I parted

ways in 1991. I didn’t behave well towards her after the

accident. She didn’t want to deal with me anymore.

Couples counseling didn’t exist in1982 as far as we

know. So she left Tampa (yes I gave her the car and

bought a used replacement) with the boys to live in

Dallas with her cousin and longtime amigo. The boys

grew up to adulthood without seeing me more than

once or twice a year. When they came to live with me

in Wisconsin I made sure they were properly evaluated

medically and psychologically.

Chip has “Asperger’s Syndrome” and can hardly hold

a job. Josh has frontal lobe damage and very poor

memory. I made sure both boys were eligible for SSDI

and they got it. I am Josh’s legal guardian since 2010

and was Chip’s from 1998 until he married Tracy here.

In 2018 they decided Tracy should be his Guardian.

Meanwhile, the rest of the story: In 1992 I remarried in

Tampa, 2 years after Ginger left, to Nancy Hardee who

was a classmate of my youngest brother in first grade.

We had a great and fun marriage including the

Computer Renaissance store. She passed away in May,

2008 from “inflammatory breast cancer”. She (her

family God bless them all) left me sufficient income

that enabled this farm.

Two years after arriving in Wisconsin and started the

farm business (The Griggs Cattle Co.) met a lovely lass

named Pamela Linder. She was born and raised in

Duluth from very Swedish stock who arrived in the

USA in early 1900’s and came to northern Minnesota to

farm. She has more cousins than Carter has pills. Never

can keep them all straight at this age. She will be with

me at the Reunion.

What I Learned from My Time in the Corps: TBS was

a really well thought out and planned out experience. I

met many many aviators (please note: I use the term

”aviators” not pilots) over my 26 years in the Corps

who hadn’t attended TBS and they mostly had shallow

knowledge of how the Marine Corps functions. My

issue is that because of the football recruitment I

missed roughly 30% to 50% of the learning info/

experience, and not bonding with my peers. The old

adage fits: “Outa sight, outa mind.”

My Home Address: 60435 Maple Ridge Road, Ashland,

Wi 54806


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