TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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A Year in the Provinces

attempts to crack our lines in attempting to destroy us. By

this time in Vietnam I had been involved in a lot of

combat, large and small, but this night combined all I had

previously experienced into the space of six, seven, or

eight hours: actually, I thought then that that experience

would continue forever and that forever would most likely

become eternal.

In writing how does one describe the chaos and the

cacophony of combat in this modern age – scientifically

enhanced high explosives combined with the eardrumsplitting

quality of ounce‐weight pieces of metal breaking

the sound barrier at the rate of 600 times per minute?

What is the effect of an explosion of three pounds of

modern high explosive encased in a friable steel case when

those pounds are detonated on a granite boulder; when

they are detonated on a hard packed clay surface; when

they are detonated, perhaps, even on a steel helmet? How

does one convey the sound or the disorientation that the

sound effects on the much too slow mental‐comprehension

system of a human? That sound, as partially emblematic

of the totality of the combat experience, is more easily

remembered than described.

At least,if someone were jammed in the middle of a

steel dumpster into which fourteen tons of mixed

boulders, scrap metal and glass fragments suddenly was

dumped and then was shaken around again and again for

six straight hours, the din and bone‐rattling, ear‐numbing

and brain‐scrambling effect would have been a carbon

copy that night. And that didn’t even including the

screams, moans and lamentations of the wounded.

Sometime during that terrible night I prayed more

sincerely than ever I had in my previous 23 years of

habitual churchgoing. I prayed to God to get me through

that ordeal, and I even had the temerity to make a

deal with Him: if God would get me through that ordeal I

never again would use His name to curse. Mine was no

slight offer because up to that moment I had put myself in

the heavyweight arena of cursing, having been known to

shock even the most hardened gunnery sergeants with the

imaginative combinations of an unrivaled fund of coarse

invective. (I never could brook being second in anything

and cursing was no exception.)

I have both mostly kept and even expanded on my

promise for the past 48 years. Perfect? Hardly, but in my

regressions I never forget that I am breaking a promise and

I suffer for it.

I notice that Carl Fulford isn’t much given to

swearing, either.


(Bob Kirkpatrick

Charlottesville, Va.)

Serious digging didn’t tail­off till November of ‘67. The

nasty, brutish fighting that marked the Que­Son campaigns

finally paused, the 2 nd NVA Division was slow to answer the

bell. Hanoi sent them to a corner for a standing ten­count,

thinking they could regain their footing by Tet. They

couldn’t. They came out wobbling, tried to take a swing at

the Marines at DaNang and got mauled. They lost another

thousand men before staggering back to the mountains,


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