TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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Michael W. Downey

First, I wanted to say thank you to the

team for your service and for continued

honoring of my Uncle and all of those that

gave their lives in service to their country

during that time.

As you may know, my Dad passed away a

little over three years ago. My memories

of Michael are from the stories he shared

with me. Although my Dad did not speak

with us about the war very often, he did

speak of his life with Mike before the war.

Mike and my Dad's side of the family had

quite a bit of tragedy with the loss of their

Dad early in their lives. For my Dad, Mike

was the spirit of the family. He was the

great and fun‐loving kid that brought life

to the very dificult situation that they

were in. My Dad always smiled when he

spoke of Mike because of his love and

energy that was so important to their

family. The smile grew when he

remembered Mike's sense of humor.

The loss of Mike devastated my Dad. He

spoke of the strange feeling of leaving the

war with his brother's body in the cargo

bay. I can only imagine losing such an

important and bright soul in your life. It

affected him until the day he passed.

In honoring my Dad and Uncle Mike, I

work to empower veterans of all era's

through the love of dogs as the COO of

Sierra Delta, a Veteran Organization

founded by two Marines from the War

on Terror era. Please take a look at our

site and let me know if there is anything

we can do to support the team. Here is

the link: http://sierradelta.com

My sister is named after him and my

Dad always thought I had his spirit. So

Uncle Mike lives on through his family

to this day. I know my Dad and Mike are

together laughing and happy seeing

their legacies carried on.


Sean Downey


(From Mike's nephew, Sean. Mike's niece

Michele sent the tribute on Page M‐50

and the picture above)

Mike and his mother

at his brother's



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