TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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A Tour of Duty in Vietnam

of troops. Gunny Newman had a knack of making a young Marine

double his work production and laugh at the same time. He never

lifted a finger for himself, but the troops were his own personal

servants, and they loved it. Newman always made sure that what

needed doing was done. The troops both feared him and loved him.

At some point during this period I had another significant

personnel problem that required my attention. On one of the occasions

when we were back in Ca Lu and had just returned from one fire base

and prepping for another, SSgt Geiler wanted to go to the erstwhile

SNCO club that had been established in a bunker somewhere nearby

to mingle with some of his contemporaries from other units. I let him

go on the promise he would return sober and in time to take the

evening shift in the FDC.

That night we were extremely busy with fire missions, and

Geiler was UA (unauthorized absence). I stayed and stood his watch

for him cursing him in my mind, but at the same time telling everyone

I had given Geiler the night off. Around 0200 hours the calls for fire

finally ceased, and I left the FDC to find the pee tube. Going from

bright light to dark, I was stepping slowly for lack of night vision

when my feet stumbled onto a limp body on the ground. It was SSgt

Geiler, drunk as a skunk and passed out. I had to make a quick

decision. If any of the others found out about Geiler’s conduct, I

would be obliged to initiate disciplinary action. If I did that, it would

stymie his career, and I might lose him. He had a great brain for

gunnery. I trusted his ability and really did not want to lose him.

With great difficulty, I was able to get him to his feet. Then I half

carried him the twenty yards or so to my hooch. I made a pad for him

on the ground between the tent side and my cot, which actually pinned

him in where he couldn’t move.

Geiler had previously been in some trouble while trying to scrounge

gear back at 3/12’s base in Quang Tri. I had called in some favors and

fixed that misjudgment for him, so I told him that this error in

judgment was strike two, and I would never bail him out again if there

ever should be a strike three. I don’t know if I made the correct

decision, but it did seem to work well for me. A remorseful Geiler

never again caused me the tiniest bit of trouble. He was, from that time

on, a loyal and reliable asset to my command.

On a later firebase, Geiler came to see me one day to tell me

confidentially that “We have a problem.” In the middle of our new

battery location was a full grown marijuana bush. We recently had

been through one minor marijuana problem with one of the young

black Marines who had smuggled some pot into the battery and tried

to smoke some of it under his poncho liner. The pot smoke had

become common knowledge, and another conscientious young Marine

had blown the whistle on him. I made the young transgressor think I

was very close to transferring him to the infantry, and I never had any

more trouble out of him. After that incident, I had informed the entire

battery that marijuana use or possession would automatically result in

disciplinary action and a transfer to the infantry. The latter threat was a

scary thing to a cannon cocker.

Geiler pointed out the bush to me and asked me if I would like him

to cut it down and burn it. I told him not to touch it. I wanted to see

how well I could trust my Marines. I stared at the bush for a long time

and consigned it to memory and made notes on its number of

branches. I am proud to say that no part of that bush ever went missing

even though the word had gone throughout the battery that the


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