TBS 2-67 Cruisebook_Updated_7Jan23

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018

Updated the reunion cruisebook from TBS Class 2-67. Reunion was in 2018


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was interesting. And we continued on up the trail and

me telling John to make note of this sighting for the

Intel debriefing. As we continued north toward an area

known as Tchepon, where there was a crossing ford on

the river by the same name, we could see patches of

roadway through the trees to the ground below, a dirt

road carved in the jungle. Pretty soon we could see we

were getting close to Tchepon so we increased speed

and descended to about 100 to 150 feet above the

terrain and kept weaving back and forth in irregular

cycles. I could see the river crossing up ahead about a

mile and not wanting to cross directly over the

crossing I deviated to the east slightly still keeping up

the weave and crossed the road which was in a fairly

open valley now southeast of the crossing. At the

moment we crossed the road I could see a long line of

trucks, some on this side of the river, some on the

northwest side across the river. I counted 7, one of

which was in the middle of the river. At that same

moment I saw a flash out the right corner of my eye

and as I turned my head I saw a stream of anti-aircraft

rounds coming at me, but would pass behind me to my

left. Just to be sure I went full power and banked hard

right taking me away from the source of the gunfire. At

that point I decided we needed to see if we could get

some air power over here and hit those targets of

opportunity. We contacted Hillsboro Airborne Control

for air to work our situation but it was not meant to be

that day. So we prepared to make an individual attack

to harass and interdict.

With 2 pods of Zuni rockets to use and the late

afternoon sun at about the 10 o’clock point in the sky I

maneuvered the aircraft around to the northwest of

Second Platoon

the gun system and approached the target area at

treetop height until I perceived I was about a mile

southwest of the gun position then popped up into

about a 30 degree climb keeping an eye to the

northeast looking for the gun. As I reached about 5000

feet I did a hard left roll over the top and at that time

we saw the camouflage cover come off the gun and all

we had to do was roll hard left into a 20 degree dive

pointed at the gun pit. Master arm ON I continued

rolling left to put the nose of the aircraft on the gun,

and rocket stations set to ON. I was passing down

through 5000 feet with the aiming reticle on the gun

and the gunner started spewing rounds…all of them

passing below the nose of the aircraft.

Passing 3000 feet above target I squeezed the trigger

on the front of the control stick 4 times- 1 apple 2

apple 3 apple 4 apple – with each squeeze came 2 Zunis

out of their pods screaming towards the gun pit. As the

last two rockets left the launcher I started a pullup

towards level flight, broke right, then left and as the

nose was almost coming level I broke hard right again

and could see as the gun in the camouflaged pit below

the first impacts going right into the gun pit itself and

the gunners trying to scramble out of there before the

rockets destroyed them. I continued in a right hand

turn to the southeast leveling off at treetop height and

planned to keep it that way for the next several

minutes to insure we were clear of other weapons

positions. Checking in with John in the back he said it

looked good and couldn’t see anything on the outside

of the aircraft that looked damaged. I asked if he had

the coordinates and answered back “affirmative”.

Down to just about 2400 pounds fuel I said we are


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