2010Annual Report - Schneider Electric CZ, s.r.o.

2010Annual Report - Schneider Electric CZ, s.r.o.

2010Annual Report - Schneider Electric CZ, s.r.o.


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We ask you to renew this authorisation forthwith subject to the<br />

following conditions:<br />

• the total number of shares granted may not represent more than<br />

1.3% of the Company’s issued capital;<br />

• the annual number of shares granted, pursuant to this<br />

authorisation, to members of the Management Board may not<br />

represent more than 0.03% of the Company’s issued capital;<br />

• the shares shall vest after a period set by the Management Board<br />

of no less than two years. The Management Board shall also set<br />

up a lock-up period, also of no less than two years. However, if<br />

the vesting period is four years, no lock-up period is required,<br />

excluding exceptions tied to tax or social charge obligations;<br />

• all the shares granted to members of the Management Board, in<br />

the framework of the Group’s annual long-term incentive plans,<br />

will be subject to performance criteria. and 50% of the shares<br />

granted to other benefi ciaries in this framework will be subject to<br />

performance criteria.<br />

For 80% of the options subject to conditions, this will involve target<br />

operating margin (EBITA), including, on a constant basis in the target<br />

range, a margin of 13% to 16% of the Group through a normal<br />

business cycle. The Management Board, which intends to locate<br />

itself dynamically in this range, will set the goal after approval of the<br />

Supervisory Board.<br />

For 20% of options subject to conditions, this will involve criteria<br />

based on one of the Group’s major transformation goals for the<br />

business program. As a result, it was used for the most recent<br />

long-term incentive plans, conditions based on the share of Group<br />

revenues in emerging economies, or a positive growth differential<br />

between organic Group growth and worldwide GDP (see above).<br />

We remind you, moreover, that the members of the Executive Board<br />

are bound by obligations to retain their shares as a result of the<br />

exercise of their options, which are presented on pages 124 and<br />

following.<br />

In accordance with the provisions of the French Commercial Code,<br />

it is the responsibility of the Management Board to determine the<br />

identity of benefi ciaries of the allocations, as well as the conditions<br />

and, where appropriate, the criteria for allocation of shares.<br />

Authorisation is granted for a period of 38 months.<br />

Since the shares that may be so allocated may be shares to<br />

be issued, the authorisation by nature involves the waiver by<br />

shareholders of their pre-emptive right to shares to be issued<br />

allocated for free.<br />

Authorisation to issue shares to employees<br />

- twenty-second and twentythrid<br />

resolutions -<br />

The Annual and Extraordinary Meetings of April 23, 2009 and<br />

April 22, 2010 authorised the Management Board to issue shares to<br />

employees who are members of an employee stock purchase plan.<br />

In addition, the Meetings authorised the Management Board to issue<br />

shares to employees of non-French companies or to entities set up<br />

to purchase shares of the Company under programs to promote<br />

employee stock ownership in certain foreign countries whose local<br />

legislation is not wholly compatible with the rules governing the<br />

Company’s existing plans.<br />

In accordance with these authorisations:<br />

• the Management Board decided on June 2, 2010 to issue<br />

shares to employees who are members of the Employee<br />

Stock Purchase Plan or to entities set up to purchase shares<br />

on employees’ behalf. The 2010 worldwide employee stock<br />

purchase program offered a choice between a non-leveraged<br />

plan and a leveraged plan (x 10), both of which offered shares<br />

at a discount of 15% or 17% depending on the country, with an<br />

investment ceiling of EUR 3,000 per employee. The plan was a<br />

resounding success. Almost 18,000 employees in the seventeen<br />

countries involved subscribed 0.8% of the capital at a price of<br />

EUR67.44 or EUR65.86 per share;<br />

• at its meeting on December 15, 2010, the Supervisory Board<br />

authorised the Management Board to issue shares to members<br />

of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan or to entities set up to<br />

purchase shares on employees’ behalf during 2011, within a<br />

limit of 3 million shares (almost 1.1% of the Company’s issued<br />

capital). This program, which will include a non-leveraged and a<br />

leveraged plan (x10) with a discount of 15% (in France) or 20%<br />

(in other countries), will be offered in 14 countries representing<br />

83,000 employees.<br />

Under the “NRE” Act, if a company asks shareholders for an<br />

authorisation to issue shares, a separate resolution must be tabled<br />

at the meeting covering the issuance of shares to employees who are<br />

members of an employee stock purchase plan. Since the fi fteenth to<br />

twentieth resolutions concern authorisations to increase the capital<br />

with or without pre-emptive subscription rights, we are therefore<br />

asking for the early renewal of the authorisation given in 2010.<br />

The Management Board would have full powers to carry out<br />

employee share issues up to the equivalent of 2% of the Company’s<br />

capital. Under the new authorisation, the maximum discount at which<br />

the shares could be offered is set at 20%.<br />

This authorisation, which will cancel and replace the unused portion<br />

(as of midnight on July 31, 2011) of the existing authorisation given<br />

in the eighteenth resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting of April 22,<br />

2010, effective August 1, 2011. This authorisation is valid for a period<br />

of 26 months.<br />

In addition, as the authorisation to issue shares to entities set up<br />

to purchase shares of the Company on behalf of employees of<br />

non-French Group companies will expire in 2010, we ask you to<br />

renew it under the following conditions. The shares issued under<br />

the authorisation will not exceed 1% of the capital. They will be<br />

deducted from the ceiling of 2% of the capital set for the issuance<br />

of shares to employees who are members of the Employee Stock<br />

Purchase Plan. At the discretion of the Management Board, the<br />

issue price will be equal to either (i) the opening or closing price of<br />

the Company’s shares quoted on the trading day the decision of<br />

the Management Board setting the issue price is made, or (ii) the<br />

average of the opening or closing prices quoted for the Company’s<br />

shares over the twenty trading days preceding the decision of the<br />

Management Board setting the issue price under this resolution<br />

or under the twenty-second resolution. The Management Board<br />

may apply a maximum discount of 20% to the reference price. The<br />

discount will be determined by the Management Board taking into<br />

consideration any specifi c foreign legal, regulatory or tax provisions<br />

that may apply to any benefi ciary governed by foreign law.<br />

This authorisation will, as of August 1, 2011, cancel and replace the<br />

existing authorisation voted on by the Extraordinary Shareholders’<br />

Meeting of April 22, 2010 in its nineteenth resolution for the unused<br />

portion at July 31, 2011 inclusive (until midnight). This authorisation<br />

will take effect on August 1, 2011 and is being sought for a period<br />

of 18 months.<br />



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