2010Annual Report - Schneider Electric CZ, s.r.o.

2010Annual Report - Schneider Electric CZ, s.r.o.

2010Annual Report - Schneider Electric CZ, s.r.o.


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3 Statutory Auditors’ <strong>Report</strong><br />



This is a free translation into English of the original report issued in French language and is provided solely for the convenience of Englishspeaking<br />

readers.<br />

Year ended December 31, 2010<br />

Statutory Auditors’ <strong>Report</strong> on a selection of environmental, safety, Human Resources<br />

and Planet & Society Barometer indicators<br />

Dear Sir or Madam,<br />

Further to your request and as statutory auditors of <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>, we have performed a review allowing us to express limited assurance<br />

that the 21 indicators about environment, safety, human resources and Planet & Society Barometer for the 2010 fi scal year, identifi ed with<br />

the ▲ symbol in the tables presented on pages 47, 54, 62, 72 and 97 to 104 of the annual report (“the Indicators»), have been prepared,<br />

in all material respects, in accordance with <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> 2010 reporting guidelines (“the Guidelines”), summarised on pages 88 to 90.<br />

It is the responsibility of <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s management team to prepare the Indicators, draw up the Guidelines and ensure that the Guidelines<br />

are available for consultation at the group’s head offi ce.<br />

Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the Indicators, based on our review. Our review was carried out in accordance with the<br />

international standard ISAE 3000 (International Standard on Assurance Engagement, December 2003). Our independence is defi ned by the<br />

legislative and statutory texts as well as the ethics code of the profession.<br />

The conclusion formulated below concerns only the specifi ed Indicators and not the entire sustainability report included in the annual report.<br />

A higher level of assurance would have required more extensive work.<br />

Nature and scope of our review<br />

In order to be able to express our conclusion on the Indicators, we performed the following review:<br />

• We conducted interviews with the persons responsible for the reporting on these Indicators as well as a risk and materiality analysis at<br />

Group level. For EMEAS and North America regions, extended works were performed on safety Indicators.<br />

• We also assessed compliance with the Guidelines and performed analytical procedures and consistency checks, as well as verifi ed, based<br />

on sample surveys, data processing for the calculation of the Indicators and their aggregation.<br />

• We selected a sample of four operational units according to their activities, their geographic locations, and their contribution to the group’s<br />

Indicators and the results of prior risk analyses.<br />

• The selected sites represent on average 7% of the total value of the Indicators (from 5% to 14% depending on the Indicators). At the<br />

selected sites level, we verifi ed the understanding and application of the Guidelines, and verifi ed, on a test basis, compliance with the<br />

calculation formula and reconciliation with supporting documents.<br />

• We reviewed the presentation of the Indicators in the annual report 2010 on pages 47 to 78 and 97 to 104.<br />

In view of the work carried out over the last six years, we consider that our verifi cation work concerning the Indicators provide a suffi cient<br />

basis on which to formulate our conclusion, presented hereafter.<br />

Information and comments<br />

Regarding the reporting Guidelines defi ned by <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> for the selected data, we wish to make the following comments:<br />

• The reporting tool One is now fully in use within North America region which removes an intermediate manual consolidation level that was<br />

a source of errors in the past.<br />

• Operational units have reporting perimeters not always homogeneous between Indicators and from one year to another. Specifi c attention<br />

should be provided to the homogeneity of those perimeters and to the traceability of reported data.<br />

• Improvements have been made regarding Guidelines formalisation and verifi cation procedures implemented at Group level for<br />

environmental Indicators. Nevertheless, the defi nition of “training hours” indicators should precise all types of training that must be taken<br />

into consideration.<br />

• At Group, sites and operational units’ levels, the formalisation of controls to be performed on all security and Human Resources data as<br />

well as their implementation could be reinforced.<br />

• With respect to the information detailed in the methodology note presented on pages 88 to 90 and in the comments to the published<br />

Indicators, we would like to highlight that since 2010 energy consumption and SF 6 leaks data are reported monthly instead of bi-annually.<br />

Other environmental data are gathered in June and December based on estimates (at least for the last month of each semester) and is<br />

not systematically readjusted at year’s end.<br />



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