Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...


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stop axon extension or stimulate <strong>the</strong> generation <strong>of</strong> terminal<br />

arbors for synapse formation.<br />


Sherrington coine d th e ter m synapse i n 189 7 t o de -<br />

scribe <strong>the</strong> site s where axons contact th e dendrite s o r<br />

soma o f o<strong>the</strong>r neurons , i n keepin g wit h th e neuro n<br />

doctrine that nervous tissue comprises separat e cells .<br />

Although thi s doctrine also was espoused b y Ramon y<br />

Cajal? Kôlliker , His, Forél, <strong>and</strong> severa l o<strong>the</strong>r contem -<br />

poraries, Golgi <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r s fervently supported a n opposing<br />

reticular <strong>the</strong>ory that <strong>the</strong> nervous system was an<br />

anastomosing network (Shepherd, 1991) . Sinc e arguments<br />

fro m bot h side s were base d mostl y o n Golgi -<br />

impregnated sample s viewe d b y ligh t microscopy ,<br />

unequivocal evidence supportin g <strong>the</strong> former doctrin e<br />

did not come until half a century later from a series <strong>of</strong><br />

electrophysiological an d E M studies . Kuffle r (1942 )<br />

<strong>and</strong> Fat t an d Kat z (1951 ) demonstrate d a t th e fro g<br />

neuromuscular junctio n tha t th e curren t underlyin g<br />

changes i n membran e potentia l a t th e postsynapti c<br />

muscle endplat e coul d no t deriv e directl y fro m th e<br />

presynaptic moto r axon, as <strong>the</strong> reticular <strong>the</strong>ory would<br />

have predicted . The n studie s b y Palad e an d Pala y<br />

(1954) an d D e Roberti s an d Bennet t (1955 ) i n th e<br />

mid-1950s provided clear, high-resolution EM image s<br />

<strong>of</strong> a cleft separating pre- <strong>and</strong> postsynapti c membrane s<br />

at chemica l synapses . Ironically , soli d evidenc e<br />

supporting th e existenc e o f a n electrotoni c synaps e<br />

came shortly <strong>the</strong>reafter, with <strong>the</strong> identificatio n o f gap<br />

junctions, wher e Bennet t (1963 ) an d o<strong>the</strong>r s demon -<br />

strated tha t ioni c curren t ca n flow directly from on e<br />

neuron t o ano<strong>the</strong> r (Peter s e t al. , 1991 ; Shepherd ,<br />

1991).<br />

Subsequent electrophysiological , anatomical, <strong>and</strong><br />

biochemical findings continu e to challenge our col -<br />

lective notio n o f th e synaps e beyon d Sherrington' s<br />

general conceptualization . Thoug h characterizin g<br />

<strong>the</strong> matur e synapse in differentiate d neura l networks<br />

has occupied neurobiologist s fo r more than a century,<br />

more recen t wor k indicate s tha t earlie r stages o f assembly<br />

<strong>and</strong> differentiatio n ar e crucial for generating a<br />

normal network . In thi s vein, <strong>the</strong> las t sections o f this<br />

chapter describ e ho w axona l <strong>and</strong> dendriti c morpho -<br />

logies an d compositio n ar e modifie d t o assembl e<br />

synapses i n th e vertebrat e CNS . Sinc e maturatio n is<br />

generally assesse d b y th e exten t t o whic h adul t fea -<br />

tures are present, <strong>the</strong> following discussion <strong>of</strong> chemical<br />

<strong>and</strong> electrica l synapse s begin s wit h description s o f<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir mature form <strong>and</strong> composition .<br />

Structure an d Composition <strong>of</strong><br />

Mature Chemical Synapse s<br />

Ultrastructural Features<br />

The matur e chemical synaps e is a polarized, adhesiv e<br />

junction formed most commonly between axon s <strong>and</strong><br />

dendrites. In electro n micrograph s thi s synaps e<br />

(sometimes called a zonula adherens) i s characterized<br />

by rigidly parallel pre - <strong>and</strong> postsynapti c membranes ,<br />

separated b y a clef t o f 1 2 to 2 0 nm, electron-dens e<br />

material withi n th e clef t <strong>and</strong> , i n most cases , thick ,<br />

electron-dense materia l i n th e cytoso l subjacen t t o<br />

<strong>the</strong> postsynapti c membran e (Fig . 4-7) . Thi s synapse<br />

resembles o<strong>the</strong> r adhesive junctions , but can be distinguished<br />

b y th e presenc e o f synapti c vesicle s (SVs )<br />

close to <strong>the</strong> junction i n <strong>the</strong> presynaptic cytoso l (Gray ,<br />

1963). I n aldehyde-fixe d E M specimens , SV s ar e<br />

roughly 40-50 nm i n width, can appea r spherica l o r<br />

oblong (pleomorphic) , an d ca n hav e agranula r o r<br />

electron-dense core s (Grill o an d Palay , 1963 ; Val -<br />

divia, 1971) . A t mos t synapse s <strong>the</strong> y ar e foun d i n a<br />

readily releasable pool near <strong>the</strong> plasma membrane or<br />

in a more remove d reserv e pool. Vesicle s within thi s<br />

pool ca n b e foun d docke d withi n a gridded arra y <strong>of</strong><br />

presynaptic cytomatri x component s or , i n photore -<br />

ceptors, along a presynaptic ribbon that runs orthogonal<br />

t o th e junctio n (Sjostr<strong>and</strong> , 1958 ; Gray , 1959a ;<br />

Bloom an d Aghajanian , 1966 , 1968) . Mitochondri a<br />

are <strong>of</strong>te n foun d both pre - <strong>and</strong> postsynapticall y (Ibat a<br />

<strong>and</strong> Otsuka , 1968 ; Bodian , 1971) , an d a postsynapti c<br />

web <strong>of</strong> filaments is <strong>of</strong>ten subjacent to <strong>the</strong> postsynaptic<br />

density (PSD ) (D e Roberti s e t al, 1961 ; Gray , 1963 ;<br />

Peters an d Kaiserman-Abram<strong>of</strong> , 1969 ; Stewar d an d<br />

Levy, 1982 ; Space k <strong>and</strong> Harris , 1997) .<br />

Although dendrodendritic, dendrosomatic, <strong>and</strong> all<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r conceiveable pairing s do occur in <strong>the</strong> vertebrate<br />

CNS, th e larg e majorit y o f chemica l synapse s<br />

encountered ar e axosomati c o r axodendriti c (Peter s<br />

et al , 1991) . Axodendriti c synapses occur o n ei<strong>the</strong> r<br />

smooth dendriti c shaft s o r mushroom-shaped protru -<br />

sions calle d spines tha t stu d th e dendriti c arbor s<br />

<strong>of</strong> most glutamatergi c neuron s (Nimchinsk y e t al ,<br />

2002). Spin e synapse s are typifie d b y a pronounced<br />

PSD, a relativel y wide clef t (nea r 2 0 nm), polyribo -<br />

somes i n clos e proximit y t o smoot h endoplasmi c<br />

reticulum, an d rounde d presynapti c vesicle s i n

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