Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...


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qualitatively similar to, but les s severe, than tha t associated<br />

with XRCC4 <strong>and</strong> Lig IV deficiency (Gu et al,<br />

2000). Th e lac k o f a neurona l deat h phenotyp e i n<br />

DNA-PKcs-deficient fetuses , alon g wit h th e milde r<br />

phenotype o f K u deficienc y (vs . XRCC4 - o r Li g<br />

IV-deficient fetuses) , is likely related t o relativ e low<br />

fidelity <strong>of</strong> DNA end-joining in <strong>the</strong> backgroun d strain<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>s e mutants , show n b y a V(D)J recombinatio n<br />

end-joining assay.<br />

A intriguin g aspec t o f <strong>the</strong>se studie s i s <strong>the</strong> consis -<br />

tency <strong>of</strong> abnormal cell death pattern s i n <strong>the</strong> developing<br />

cerebral cortex <strong>of</strong> mice deficien t in DN A ligase<br />

IV, XRCC4 (Barne s et al, 1998 ; Fran k e t al, 1998 ;<br />

Gao et al, 1998) , <strong>and</strong> Ku (Gu et al, 2000). Aberrant<br />

death i s not observe d a t <strong>the</strong> earlies t embryonic ages,<br />

<strong>and</strong> i t is not unti l th e perio d when mos t postmitotic<br />

neurons ar e generated tha t dea d cell s ar e clearly observed<br />

(Fig . 5-5) . Thi s genera l timin g i s seen i n al l<br />

examined region s o f <strong>the</strong> neura l tube , includin g th e<br />

spinal cord (Gao et al, 1998) .<br />

These studie s provide <strong>the</strong> first evidence that evolutionarily<br />

conserved gene s require d fo r completion o f<br />

V(D)J recombination in lymphocytes are required for<br />

normal neura l cel l surviva l i n th e developin g brain<br />

(Gao e t al, 1998 ; Chun , 1999 ; Chu n an d Schatz ,<br />

1999). Several NHEJ proteins have roles in NPC sur -<br />

vival durin g <strong>the</strong> onse t o f neural differentiation . Th e<br />

syn<strong>the</strong>sis o f <strong>the</strong>s e protein s coul d b e crucia l fo r th e<br />

normal behavior <strong>of</strong> newly postmitotic neurons during<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir migration from proliferativ e zones to final destinations<br />

in <strong>the</strong> CMS (Rehen e t al, 1996 , 1999) .<br />

The absenc e <strong>of</strong> proteins important for <strong>the</strong> process<br />

<strong>of</strong> immunologica l V(D) J recombinatio n promote s<br />

cell death i n newly postmitotic neurons. This finding<br />

suggests th e operatio n o f a nove l for m o f cell selec -<br />

tion that distinguishes between neurons that make advantageous<br />

DN A rearrangement s o r o<strong>the</strong> r genomi c<br />

alterations <strong>and</strong> those that do not. What kin d <strong>of</strong> DNA<br />

alterations could occu r i n NPCs within <strong>the</strong> develop -<br />

ing brain?<br />




As discussed above, <strong>the</strong>re i s indirect evidence fo r somatic<br />

alteratio n o f th e genom e i n neuron s durin g<br />

neurogenesis base d o n a growin g list o f molecule s<br />

that functio n i n DN A recombination , repair , an d<br />

CELL DEATH 8 1<br />

surveillance (Ga o e t al , 1998 , 2000 ; Chun , 1999 ;<br />

Chun an d Schatz , 1999 ; G u e t al , 2000 ; Le e e t al ,<br />

2000; Rolig <strong>and</strong> McKinnon, 2000; Allen et al, 2001).<br />

Many o f <strong>the</strong>se molecule s ar e als o implicate d i n th e<br />

genetic alteration s tha t ar e foun d i n cancers . On e<br />

prominent geneti c abnormalit y i n cance r cell s i s<br />

aneuloidy, a deviation from th e norma l diploid num -<br />

ber <strong>of</strong> chromosomes. Th e associatio n between cance r<br />

<strong>and</strong> neurodevelopmen t le d t o th e searc h fo r aneu -<br />

ploidy a s on e expressio n o f genomi c chang e i n<br />

neurons.<br />

Direct assessmen t o f chromosome s i n dividin g<br />

cells ca n b e performe d wit h spectra l karyotypin g<br />

(SKY) which uses fluorescent labels to uniquely identify<br />

eac h chromosome . Thi s technique reveal s that a<br />

large fractio n o f NPC s harbo r chromosoma l abnor -<br />

malities. Remarkably, one-third o f mouse NPCs have<br />

gained o r los t at leas t on e o f <strong>the</strong>ir 4 0 chromosome s<br />

(Fig 5-6 ; Rehe n e t al, 2001). NPCs isolated fro m th e<br />

VZ o f <strong>the</strong> feta l mous e cerebra l corte x ar e <strong>of</strong>te n ob -<br />

served wit h on e o r mor e chromosome s displace d<br />

from <strong>the</strong> mitotic spindle. Such chromosome displace -<br />

ment suggest s tha t NPC s frequentl y mis-segregat e<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir chromosomes , whic h ma y represen t on e wa y<br />

that neurons can become aneuploi d during development<br />

(Yan g et al, 2003).<br />

Aneuploidy ha s als o bee n detecte d i n th e adul t<br />

cerebral cortex , usin g interphas e fluorescen t i n sit u<br />

hybridization (FISH ) t o visualize individual chromosomes.<br />

In adult male cerebral cortex , FISH fo r X <strong>and</strong><br />

Y chromosomes show s that approximately 1 % <strong>of</strong> neurons<br />

gained or lost a sex chromosome (Fi g 5-7) . Thi s<br />

implies that a t least som e fractio n o f aneuploid cell s<br />

that ar e produce d durin g neurogenesi s surviv e t o<br />

adulthood. Theoretically , th e overal l percentag e o f<br />

aneuploid neuron s i n th e adul t coul d b e muc h<br />

higher than 1% , assuming <strong>the</strong> rat e <strong>of</strong> gain/loss is similar<br />

fo r al l chromosome s (Kausha l e t al , 2003) , al -<br />

though fur<strong>the</strong> r studie s ar e require d t o addres s thi s<br />

issue.<br />

Although some aneuploid cells survive, Aneuploid<br />

cells may account for a significant proportion <strong>of</strong> PC D<br />

during neurogenesis. Cell deat h i s likely a commo n<br />

fate fo r aneuploid cells . I n cancers , man y cell s tha t<br />

are thought to be dying have an altered genome. Fur<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

<strong>the</strong> high amount s <strong>of</strong> PCD in neuroproliferativ e<br />

zones supports <strong>the</strong> ide a <strong>of</strong> a selection proces s against<br />

undesirable geneti c abnormalities . A s a first approximation,<br />

aneuploid y appear s t o b e generate d i n a<br />

stochastic fashion . On e ca n speculat e tha t r<strong>and</strong>o m

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