Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...


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where i t ha s transcriptiona l activities . p53-regulate d<br />

genes critica l for normal brain development includ e<br />

cell cycl e proteins p21 <strong>and</strong> murine double minut e 2 ,<br />

<strong>the</strong> DN A repai r protei n growt h arres t an d DN A<br />

damage-inducible gene 45 , <strong>and</strong> th e apoptosis-related<br />

proteins insulin-lik e growth facto r binding protei n 3<br />

<strong>and</strong> Ba x (Levine , 1997) . I n addition , p5 3 regulate s<br />

<strong>the</strong> Fa s receptor (Somasundaram, 2000) <strong>and</strong> th e hormone<br />

polyadenylat e cyclase-activatin g polypeptid e<br />

receptor 1 (e.g., Cian i e t al, 1999 ; Johnson , 2001)<br />

(see Chapters 1 5 <strong>and</strong> 16) .<br />

p53 can play a direct role in cell death by interacting<br />

wit h th e Be l famil y o f protein s (Chipu k e t al. ,<br />

2003, 2004 ; Mihar a e t al , 2003) , APAF-1 , an d<br />

apoptosis-related receptors . Thes e interaction s ar e<br />

pro-apoptotic. p5 3 down-regulate s pro-survival Bcl-2<br />

<strong>and</strong> Bcl-x , <strong>and</strong> up-regulate s Bax, Bid, <strong>and</strong> APAF-1 . It<br />

also up-regulate s TRAIL-R2/DR5 , Fas , an d FasL . I n<br />

addition, p53 represses c-Fos (Kle y et al, 1992) , thus<br />

potentially interferin g with activato r protei n 1 <strong>and</strong> ,<br />

hence, transcription.<br />

Oxidative Stress<br />

Oxygen, thoug h centra l t o life , ca n b e toxic . I n it s<br />

ground state, it possesses two unpaired electron s with<br />

parallel spin states. This setting makes a two-electron<br />

reduction kineticall y unlikely ; however , sequentia l<br />

one-electron reduction s can occur, hence generating<br />

oxygen fre e radicals , reactive oxyge n specie s (ROS) .<br />

In th e biologica l setting , th e initia l one-electron ex -<br />

change generate s th e superoxid e anio n radical . Th e<br />

protonated two-electro n reductio n produce s H 2O2<br />

(<strong>the</strong> protonated for m o f <strong>the</strong> peroxide ion), with <strong>the</strong> final<br />

protonate d four-electro n produc t bein g water .<br />

The oxyge n radicals resulting from thi s process generate<br />

a plethor a o f reactiv e specie s wit h o<strong>the</strong> r mole -<br />

cules, suc h a s nitroge n an d iron , al l o f which ca n<br />

produce a pro-oxidan t environment i n cells , termed<br />

oxidative stress.<br />

The centra l role s for ROS in apoptosis, both as initiators<br />

an d a s signalin g event s withi n th e apoptoti c<br />

process, ar e wel l documente d (Curti n e t al. , 2002 ;<br />

Fleury e t al , 2002 ; Polste r an d Fisku m 2004) . Although<br />

<strong>the</strong> specific mechanism s by which ROS elicit<br />

<strong>and</strong>/or maintai n apoptosi s remai n undefined , <strong>the</strong>s e<br />

compounds hav e a n effec t o n a variet y o f cellula r<br />

components: proteins , DN A base s <strong>and</strong> sugars , polysaccharides,<br />

an d lipids . On e ROS-relate d pathwa y<br />

that has been connecte d t o ethanol-mediated neuro n<br />

apoptosis i s th e productio n o f pro-apoptoti c prod -<br />

ucts o f lipi d peroxidatio n withi n mitochondria (Ra -<br />

mach<strong>and</strong>ran e t al , 2001 , 2003) . RO S reac t wit h<br />

unsaturated fatt y acids , initiatin g a self-perpetuatin g<br />

peroxidation o f membrane lipid s (Kappus , 1985) . In<br />

addition t o direc t damag e t o biomembranes , thi s<br />

ubiquitous proces s generate s highl y reactive aldehydes,<br />

th e mos t studie d an d th e mos t toxi c bein g 4 -<br />

hydroxynonenal (HNE ) (Esterbaue r e t al , 1990 ;<br />

Uchida e t al, 1993) . Importantly , HN E formatio n<br />

generates apoptotic death o f neurons, <strong>and</strong> it s production,<br />

secondar y t o oxidativ e stress , ha s bee n com -<br />

pellingly linke d t o neuro n deat h i n a variet y o f<br />

neurodegenerative diseases (Zarkovic, 2003).<br />


Caspase-Dependent: Intrinsic vs.<br />

Extrinsic Pathways <strong>of</strong> Apoptosi s<br />

The pathway s <strong>of</strong> apoptosis can be divided into intrinsic<br />

an d extrinsi c on th e basi s <strong>of</strong> activation site (Budi -<br />

hardjo e t al , 1999 ; Shiozak i an d Shi , 2004) . Th e<br />

intrinsic, mitochondria-associate d pathwa y depend s<br />

on Bel proteins. The extrinsi c pathway is mediated by<br />

activation o f an apoptosis-relate d receptor. Th e path -<br />

ways ar e no t trul y independent , a s <strong>the</strong>r e i s muc h<br />

cross-talk, <strong>and</strong> both can activate caspas e 3 (Fig. 6-1) .<br />

In addition, activation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> extrinsic pathway can activate<br />

a feedback loop to <strong>the</strong> intrinsic pathway.<br />

Intrinsic Pathways<br />

The fundamenta l featur e o f <strong>the</strong> intrinsi c pathwa y i s<br />

<strong>the</strong> releas e o f pro-apoptoti c compound s fro m mito -<br />

chondria. Thi s pathwa y i s activated b y intracellula r<br />

stress signal s includin g bu t no t limite d t o oxidativ e<br />

stress or DNA damage. Thus, major effector s ma y be<br />

ROS<strong>and</strong>p53.<br />

Mitochondrial permeabilit y i s affected b y <strong>the</strong> Be l<br />

family o f proteins . Ba x homodimer s allo w io n flu x<br />

through th e mitochondrial membrane , an d this some -<br />

how allow s movemen t o f cytochrom e C , possibl y<br />

through enlargement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> voltage-dependent anio n<br />

channels (Banerje e an d Ghosh , 2004 ) o r by opening<br />

<strong>the</strong> mitochondria l permeabilit y transition por e (e.g. ,<br />

Marzo et al., 1998) . Breach <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> membrane cause s a<br />

loss <strong>of</strong> membrane potentia l <strong>and</strong> release <strong>of</strong> cytochrome c,<br />

AIF, HtrA2/Omi, <strong>and</strong>/or second mitochondria-derive d

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